Open Source is more than just a technical product, we would love to hear your thoughts on what Open Source means to you!
This can be a technical description, leadership style, development workflow, mission, personal definition, thought process, etc.
This question is part of the 100K Member Contest - don't forget to kudo the original contest post to be entered.
The source code is proprietory to Redhat but we can add/modify any software module to it if its accepted by Redhat if it has new features.
open source means the source code will be available for publicly for development and it is free to use and share.
This is a platform that is a source for everything.
As the name suggests the Source of the Ideas and ability to code and opportunity to contribute to a bigger solution all comes from the Open world and not from a closed circle. In other words the community contributes and builds solutions to change the world.
Open Source is product or software with source code is open, that anyone can modify, and distribute it. Generally the software is free.
Is depend what open source product, not all.
To me, open source is a great way for community members to come together and help build, test and perfect various applications. Best of all, it's free so users do not have to pay subscriptions or licensing fees. It does have it drawbacks though, as support can sometimes be a pain but that is what the community if for. I love Open Source!
OpenSource means freedom and the oportunity to create wihtout the need of being hold by corporate rules
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