Open Source is more than just a technical product, we would love to hear your thoughts on what Open Source means to you!
This can be a technical description, leadership style, development workflow, mission, personal definition, thought process, etc.
This question is part of the 100K Member Contest - don't forget to kudo the original contest post to be entered.
For me is open source, to share your knowledge and experience with the developer community.
A great opportunity for the evolution of human knowledge, through knowledge sharing. Since each one can propose a way of thinking, which can be used or not. Regardless of race, skin color or opinion.
The collaboration of a community towards the same project, with freedom.
Open source means recipe of any given work is free and available for anyone to use.
Open Source its a Windows for a lot of developers to share thier ideas and concepts about new focus towards to new technology. This kind of sharing is very importanto to those people who trying to innovate and generate a new lines of software. The political way to offering needs to be improved and strengthened in a short term by the greater software and hardware entreprises.
Open Source to me is a stablizing empowerment. It is chaotic as it takes in all voices and outlooks who want to particpate but gives high end value to the edge power interests, common consenus for the main stream and approachable learning for the committed low end interested. Overtime that will always make Open Source the most agreed on, most powerful, most supported long term solution that we all as a human community can build on, depend on, participate in and have informed fights over.
To Me its a free platform for anyone to enter and share information on without a cost.
Open Source is access to the information to solve problems that no one can solve alone Also, different people unite around a common purpose
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