Hi All,
I have one query is file move.
in this path "/tmp/my-test/testing/logs/mars" many directories & files need to move files more than 2 days to "/opt/mars/logs-backup" path .
condition is "source-path" direcory not remove while moving files & simultaneously destination path "source path directories" create then logs need to move destination path .
Note : no need create folders manually in destination path , as per source path directories need to create in destination automatically while move more than 2 days files .
please find below paths for sample reports logs path .
if possible any command for below task then please share .
Explanation :
I am waiting for your valuable information .
I hope explained query clearly .
Hi, you can try the following shell script to achieve this:
# Define source and destination paths
# Find files older than 2 days
find "$SOURCE_PATH" -type f -mtime +2 | while read FILE
# Get the relative path of the file by stripping the source path from the file path
# Get the directory path for the file in the destination
# Create the directory structure in the destination path if it doesn't exist
mkdir -p "$DEST_DIR"
# Move the file to the destination path
mv "$FILE" "$DEST_DIR"
echo "Files older than 2 days have been moved to $DEST_PATH"
Hi, you can try the following shell script to achieve this:
# Define source and destination paths
# Find files older than 2 days
find "$SOURCE_PATH" -type f -mtime +2 | while read FILE
# Get the relative path of the file by stripping the source path from the file path
# Get the directory path for the file in the destination
# Create the directory structure in the destination path if it doesn't exist
mkdir -p "$DEST_DIR"
# Move the file to the destination path
mv "$FILE" "$DEST_DIR"
echo "Files older than 2 days have been moved to $DEST_PATH"
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