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New blog post on Image mode vs RHEL for edge

Customers and partners using Red Hat products in edge scenarios may be interested in learning about the relationship between the new image mode for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and the RHEL for edge technologies, such as RPM-OSTree and Image Builder:

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Thank you for sharing this treasure @flozano !!

For our learners -

'bootc' represents a 'bootable container,' encompassing essential components like the kernel, bootloader, and other elements typically absent from standard application containers. This foundational image can be customized with additional software and dependencies, then built and pushed to a container registry.

Subsequently, 'Image Builder' converts this containerized OS into various disk image formats (vmdk, qcow2, AMI, etc.), suitable for deployment on virtual machines or bare metal servers.

Beyond initial deployment, 'bootc' facilitates system updates. It can apply updates from a container image directly to a running Linux system, effectively switching out the existing /usr and /boot directories. Systems configured with this mechanism automatically update themselves by retrieving and applying new 'bootc' images whenever a newer version is tagged within the container registry.

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