Q.) I have configured apache web service to serve the contents of the /home/student/public_html directory , allowing anyone with home directory permission to access its contents. However while accessing http://servera/~student/index.html it gives http 403 forbidden error. How to resolve this ?
Q.) What is the utility of nsswitch.conf file ?
Q.) You have been provided a sar archive report - "report.data", how will you get the network statistics from this archive file ?
Bonus Q.) Please find the format of the network statistics :
How will you determine the highest number of network packets received per second for interface enp1s0, as recorded in the report.data file.
Level - L2 and above.
I'll be posting a series of Linux-related questions covering various skill levels. Feel free to share your insights and expertise. Your contributions will benefit learners at all stages, from those in current roles to those preparing for Linux interviews.
Dang Chetan! If you're gonna give me that level of a hint, you've
essentially given me the answer:-)
Labeling issue!!!
There's no rule in the SELinux policy that supports access of the
object (target), from the subject (source).
@Trevor If I say the labelling is not the issue here, how will you proceed further?
The hint is same : SELinux.
If it's not a labeling issue and it's a 403 forbidden error I would most likely look at what permissions are set for the public_html directory. Give "others" read and execute permissions.
setsebool -P httpd_enable_homedirs=on
Great job @TM !
httpd by default is not allowed to access users home directories. If you want to allow access to users home directories you need to set the httpd_enable_homedirs boolean .
you can see getting httpd AVC denials for both search and getattr (/home/student), and /var/log/httpd/error_log showing error like search permissions missing on path. You will still need perms 711 on the user's homedir and at least 755 on $USER/public_html but that was already there as per this hypothetical interview scenario.
If the issue is not due to labeling, which takes the SELinux policy
out of the equation, I'm going to guess that there's a possibility
that the directory of an NFS mounted one, in which case the SELinux
boolean that pertains to this needs to be set. I'll go with this for now
until I can do some additional research. This is a great challenge!!!
Question 1
After making sure the DAC permissions are and file labeling are good, we should allow this via SELinux booleans:
setsebool -P httpd_enable_homedirs 1
semanage boolean -m --on httpd_enable_homedirs
I believe if you have the setroubleshoot-server package installed, it would give this hint in the journalctl output.
@Emanuel_Haine Great job!
Thank you, @Chetan_Tiwary_
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