I have an http server that I wanted to listen to listen for connections
on port 666. When looking at how to configure SELinux, so that this
would be permitted, I saw the following command:
# semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 666
I understand all the pieces to that command right away, except the
"http_port_t". This is supposed to refer to an SELinux port type.
I looked on the semanage man page, as well as the semanage-port
man page, to see if there was a table containing the SELinux port
types, but no such luck.
Question: Is there a command that I can execute that will show me
a list of SELinux port types?
Note: This is a query for RHCE-level types, and below!!
And TM, you are our grand prize winner for today!!!
Your answer will certainly get the job done!!!
As the grand prize winner, would you have a choice of
1) a trillion dollars
2) eternal life
For my records, what is your Red Hat certification level?????
Again, congratulations!!!!
Hello @Trevor,
It is a pleasure, and a duty, to share and give back to the community from which I receive so much.
I am actually RHCA (100-144-385).
Tshimanga Minkoka
Hey! You cheated!!! This query for folks with
Bachelors (RHCE) degrees. You have a
You are not eligible for either of the grand prizes
I thought it was a little suspicious that someone
who, at an RHCE level or below, could provide
that type of response as quickly as you did.
It's all good though. Even though I'll have to rescind
the grand prize offering, it's still a beautiful thing that
you did in providing the response your response. I love
your spirit of feeling compelled to give back to the
community!!! It's persons like yourself that make the
community such a vibrant place to hangout - you've
got so much to give, and you're so willing to share it!!!
Now that I know that there is such a high-level resource
like yourself out here, I might have to take advantage
of you more often
While I have you on the line, would you mind sharing
which exams, beyond the RHCE, did you undertake
to complete your RHCA journey?
Congrats TM, on your attaining that coveted RHCA
Hi @Trevor,
I am sorry, and I do apologize, I did not realized that it was reservered for RHCE level and below.
I will be more cautious next time.
Take care.
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