Did you reset the VM and try again? If so, did things work as you expected them to?
I was able to reset every VM and complete lab 11.6. However, I've been having this other issue where after I run the nmcli con up command, the shell freezes for over 5 minutes.
This has happened on Lab 11.6 once and Lab 15.4 three times.
Should I run the nmcli con up command immediately after creating a new connection?
I just reset the VM and tried to run nmcli con up immediately after creating the static connection and it froze again. EDIT: Also, CTRL+Z or CTRL+C doesn't allow you to kill the process so I'm really stuck for 5-10 minutes and then have to try do the lab all over again.
I'm not sure what the problem is...
Found a solution from here, just open serverb on its own console to set the configurations from the start or to just run nmcli con up.
I was able to complete lab 15.4 successfully.
On to the last lab of RH124!!!
@MangoRender Whenever you get this error with lab start / finsh script, please delete the existing lab and recreate a fresh lab and you will be good!
For network settings, do it directly on servera / serverb console and you will be good.
Glad that your issue was resolved!
Yeah, I had reset the labs like 4 times before I figured it out. All good though.
"I've been having this other issue where after I run the nmcli con up command, the shell freezes for over 5 minutes. "
When this happens, are you manually setting IP addresses using ipv4.addresses and/or ipv6.addresses?
If so, do not forget to also use the ipv4.method manual and/or ipv6 method manual command(s). These commands tell the system not to attempt to get IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses from a DHCP server. There are no DHCP servers in the lab space.
If unused, and there is no DHCP server on the network, the system will freeze for a period of time because it is trying to find one. Eventually, it'll give up. If nmcli con show is used in this scenario, the connection will show in yellow, as opposed to green, indicating that it is working, but not quite right.
Yep, I included the ipv4.method manual in the configuration. It was just the issue of setting the network configurations over ssh like you stated in the post I linked.
However, now I'm wondering what would I need to do if this happens during the exam. Do we have access to multiple consoles during the exam?
I don't know...
Since the lab tells you to use the console connection (and not SSH), I guessing the same technique is available in the testing environment.
@MangoRender obviously you will get console access.
Thanks for sharing, @Tracy_Baker
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