Flight Engineer
Flight Engineer

Error on Lab: Manage Local Users and Groups

I keep 'Failing' this lab due to some issue. The specific fail line is the "Verify the password expiration for users in the consultants group." I've confirmed that the /etc/login.defs file is to PASS_MAX_DAYS 30 and that all the consultant accounts are set to expire 90 days from the current day. 

For the last step 

  1. Additionally, force the consultant1, consultant2, and consultant3 users to change their passwords on the first login.

I had initially used the chage -M 0 option to force the password change but even tried the option in the solution chage -d 0. Still 'Failing'. 

Just posting here to see if it's an issue that needs to be fixed on RH's side or maybe it's something I missed.

Has anyone else had/has this issue?

2 Replies

Hi  @MangoRender 

It seems like you've correctly configured the password settings. I followed these steps to verify and was able to reproduce the issue:

Checked /etc/login.defs to ensure PASS_MAX_DAYS is set to 30.
Confirmed the password expiration for all consultant accounts to be 90 days from the current day using chage -l.
Forced password change on the first login using chage -d 0.
Since these steps are correctly followed and the issue persists, it appears to be a bug in the lab environment. We have forwarded your feedback to the concerned team for their consideration. Thank you for your patience and thoroughness in reporting this issue.

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Flight Engineer
Flight Engineer

Thank You! It's good to know it wasn't just me

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