I've been trying to complete the lab "Install and Update Software Packages" but been getting several errors.
First time i tried it i got the error message "error during downloading metadata for repository errata" on step 2, "install the rht-system".
I already reset the lab and now i get the following error starting the lab (lab start software-review)
Whe i try to reach the url for the errata repo using firefox i get that is "Not Found"
Can you help?
Hello @RicardoNeves !
Please delete your existing lab and create a fresh lab. Retry the lab one more time. If you still face the issue then please raise a support case and our team will help you on the same. I was unable to reproduce the issue at my end :
I encounter similar issue whereby i am not able to proceed to list and install the rht-system software package using dnf owing to error that metafile is not able to be fetched from the baseurl. attempted this lab several time but keep running to the same problem.
Sorry for the confusion, uploaded a wrong screen output while experimenting for solution. The should be the correct output screen whereby I i am not able to proceed to list and install the rht-system software package using dnf owing to error that metafile is not able to be fetched from the baseurl.
@MichaelLTK If rebuikding your lab entirely is not helping , please raise a support case and our support team will help you.
I have also a probleme with
After configuring the 2 repos regarding to the procedure. I have a 404 error for
On FF there is no content in rhcsa-practice parent folder.
I have reported this to our course development team to recheck this. I will let you know once I have an update on this. Thanks for your undertanding and patience!
the problem is still there. as you can see at the screenshot, the rhcsa-practice folder at the http://content.example.com/rhel9.3_x86_64/rhcsa-practice url is empty. Same for rhcsa-practice$ and rhel9-additional at the same level.
delete/create the lab fixes the problem!!
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