Can anyone explain me why operator1 can delete all the files, even if he/she does not has write permission for app1.log ?
For context:
The system has four users that are assigned to the following groups:
The consultant1 user is a member of the consultant1 and database1 groups.
The operator1 user is a member of the operator1 and database1 groups.
The contractor1 user is a member of the contractor1 and contractor3 groups.
The operator2 user is a member of the operator2 and contractor3 groups.
The . special directory contains four files with the following permissions:
drwxrwxr-x. operator1 database1 . -rw-rw-r--. consultant1 consultant1 app1.log -rw-r--rw-. consultant1 database1 app2.log -rw-rw-r--. operator1 database1 db1.conf -rw-r-----. operator1 database1 db2.conf
The delete operation is actually "unlinking a file from their parent directory". Since operator1 is the owner of the directory ("."), the user can perform any creation and deletion operation on that directory.
Hope this helps!
The delete operation is actually "unlinking a file from their parent directory". Since operator1 is the owner of the directory ("."), the user can perform any creation and deletion operation on that directory.
Hope this helps!
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