Hello Team,
How to check my forgess,
How to check my forgess,
I have gone throght the cource multiple times and done labs till chapter 5 ,but still course showing not taht lab environment "not attempted" as you can see it in image.
How to check what is pending in overall cource.
Based on the screenshots, it looks like you're checking this in our Learning Management System - where you placed your order for the training. For all progress metrics related to the course itself, please use the Learning Platform where you take the training. There you can see the progress on your home page, detailed metrics in your Dashboard, and pull a report from the Reports page on each of your courses where you have progress, lab hours, and time spent.
I am also facing similar issue with partial progress, any help from RedHat team would be much appreciated.
Based on the screenshots, it looks like you're checking this in our Learning Management System - where you placed your order for the training. For all progress metrics related to the course itself, please use the Learning Platform where you take the training. There you can see the progress on your home page, detailed metrics in your Dashboard, and pull a report from the Reports page on each of your courses where you have progress, lab hours, and time spent.
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