Hi there
Well, i have a question, Is It possible to reset root password when the system is on multi-user.target? I was not be able to found a foro o some information related with this and another question that I have, If the grub menu dont show up, is it posible to reset the root password?
Hello @jennifer1987 !
Thanks for reaching out !
Yes why not ! If you dont have the root privilege or you dont remember the root password - You will need to boot the system into single-user mode. This will give you a shell wherein you can reset the password.
If GRUB menu is not there then you need to boot with the live ISO ( USB or DVD ) and then change root password.
Otherwise, if you have that root privilege: just use passwd command to change the root password in multi user target.
@Yeici888 Por favor lea la respuesta de Fran a su publicación a continuación, ¡gracias!
Hello @avinash_kumar ,
Perhaps the account (not root) granted will have permission to escalate to root. I guess you used that account and typed "sudo -i" to escalate and thereby change the root password. Is it right? Did you pass the EX200 test?
Hi @Chetan_Tiwary_ , that link has dead. Can you provide other? Please
Hola Yeici,
Es un poco más complicado que eso si estás usando LVM (volúmenes lógicos), ideamente deberías:
- Arrancar el DVD de RHEL en modo rescue, u otro live CD.
- Activar LVM, particiones cifradas con LUKS, etc.
- Montar todas las particiones necesarias para preparar el chroot (incluyendo /sys, /proc, /dev si fueran necesarias)
- Entrar en el chroot
- Crea el fichero /.autorelabel para que selinux no cause problemas tras el reinicio.
- Cambiar la password con `passwd` .
- Salir del chroot y reiniciar el sistema.
Un saludo!
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