I was doing the guided exercise on my local machine and I am having an error I didn't figure out why it's showing, Can anyone help?
ERROR! the role 'myvhost' was not found in /home/jadolyo/roles/myvhost/roles:/home/runner/.ansible/roles:/usr/share/ansible/roles:/etc/ansible/roles:/home/jadolyo/roles/myvhost
The error appears to be in '/home/jadolyo/roles/myvhost/use-vhost-role.yml': line 10, column 7, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
- myvhost
^ here
my use-vhost-role.yml
1 ---
2 - name: Use myvhost role playbook
3 hosts: webservers
4 pre_tasks:
5 ¦ - name: pres_tasks message
6 ¦ ¦ ansible.builtin.debug:
7 ¦ ¦ ¦ msg: 'Ensure web server configuration.'
9 roles:
10 ¦ - myvhost
12 post_tasks:
13 ¦ - name: HTML content is installed
14 ¦ ¦ ansible.builtin.copy:
15 ¦ ¦ ¦ src: files/html/
16 ¦ ¦ ¦ dest: "var/www/vhost/{{ ansible_hostname }}"
18 ¦ - name: post_tasks message
19 ¦ ¦ ansible.builtin.debug:
20 ¦ ¦ ¦ msg: 'Web server is configured.'
Thanks alooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot.
Rabna ykrmk w ys3dk w ywaf2k.
جزاك الله خيرا كثيرا
May i ask you again if i had trouble in completing the entire environment setup, please?
Oh, You are Arab, You are most welcome.
جزانا وإياكم الجنة في الفردوس الأعلى، اللهم آمين
دعوة صادقة في ظهر الغيب بصلاح الحال، وهكون سعيد جدا.
Yes for sure, If you need help anytime, I will be happy to give a hand.
اميين يا رب نحن و اياكم
هدعيلك كتيييير ان شاء الله
Hi @khokha
I saw an email notification you are asking about something but I see you deleted your message, Anyway, I would like to share some tips on my configuration.
1- /etc/hosts file I did some configuration to each VM and to my main controller as below. controller controller.lab.example.com node1 node1.lab.example.com node2 node2.lab.example.com node3 node3.lab.example.com
So every time I SSH I just write ssh controller or ssh node1 you can modify MobaXterm hosts file as well so you can easily ssh without writing the IP address.
2- Created a user let's say "Ansible" on my controller and each VM too and for sure copied the public key from the controller to each VM, You should know this from RHCSA, Right!
3- the ansible.cfg and inventory you can create your own it depends on your naming I am using nodeX you might use serverX my inventory as an example looks like as below
inventory = inventory
* Note: I created a directory and inside that directory other directories have it's on playbooks and configurations sometimes I use [privilege_escalation] as below
My static inventory looks like as below, you might change the names it doesn't matter it's your choice.
As you know from RHCSA you need to modify your hostname file on each VM to meet the requirements, and as you know too you might need to create a file inside /etc/sudoers.d/ directory as your user's name and add a line as below, as you know you need the root to create that file if I am not wrong.
I hope this can help you to make things easier, Have a nice day.
Hi @jadolyo ,
Thanks for your reply i was having some issues with setting up the environment correctly, but fortunatelly i figures it out and it now works fine.
Again thanks for your reply and your help.
Have a great day
Hi everyone!
I'm doing a bit of a topic / thread hijack here, because I'm also having an error in the "Guided Exercise: Creating Roles - Chapter 7 section 4". In my case, the syntax check for the "use-vhost-role.yml" playbook runs correctly:
[student@workstation role-create]$ ansible-navigator run use-vhost-role.yml --syntax-check -m stdout
playbook: /home/student/role-create/use-vhost-role.yml
... but running the playbook returns an error for "servera.lab.example.com", for the task "Ensure vhost file is installed" :
[student@workstation role-create]$ ansible-navigator run use-vhost-role.yml -m stdout
PLAY [Use myvhost role playbook] ***********************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************
ok: [servera.lab.example.com]
TASK [pre_tasks message] *******************************************************
ok: [servera.lab.example.com] => {
"msg": "Ensure web server configuration."
TASK [myvhost : Ensure httpd is installed] *************************************
changed: [servera.lab.example.com]
TASK [myvhost : Ensure httpd service is started] *******************************
changed: [servera.lab.example.com]
TASK [myvhost : Ensure vhost file is installed] ********************************
fatal: [servera.lab.example.com]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "checksum": "f71b650f8607db136b9c9325ce70b0b38271e6a5", "msg": "Unsupported parameters for (ansible.legacy.copy) module: notify. Supported parameters include: mode, checksum, owner, validate, serole, content, _original_basename, setype, directory_mode, remote_src, seuser, src, backup, follow, dest, attributes (attr), unsafe_writes, force, local_follow, selevel, group."}
PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
servera.lab.example.com : ok=4 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
Please review the log for errors.
For reference, here's the content of that playbook:
[student@workstation role-create]$ cat use-vhost-role.yml
- name: Use myvhost role playbook
hosts: webservers
- name: pre_tasks message
msg: 'Ensure web server configuration.'
- myvhost
- name: HTML content is installed
src: files/html/
dest: "/var/www/vhost/{{ansible_hostname}}"
- name: post_tasks message
msg: 'Web server is configured.'
Am I doing something wrong?
Thanks in advance
EDIT: Got it! Solved! The problem was an indentation problem inside the file "tasks/main.yml". I had wrongly put the following lines with the same indentation level of the lines inside the "ansible.builtin.template:" block instead of having the same indentation level of the "ansible.builtin.template:" line:
- restart httpd
@ric Glad that you were able to indentify the indentation error in your yml !
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