Why doesn´t the documentation at https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/7/html-single/security_guide/... has no example of using multiple tang servers to decrypt a luks partition?
During the course and some exercises I can see things like:
cfg=$'{"t":2,"pins":{"tang":[\n > {"url":"http://serverc.lab.example.com"},\n > {"url":"http://serverd.lab.example.com"}]}}'
I just can not see that in the documentation, except on the course itself of course.
man clevis
You should check "man clevis" for the details. Hope this helps.
man clevis
You should check "man clevis" for the details. Hope this helps.
Thanks @jfilho @Ravi_Shanker !!
Thank you @jfilho @Ravi_Shanker
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