In the RHLS material, you can see things like this:
pcs stonith status
* fence_nodea (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started
* fence_nodeb (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started
* fence_nodec (stonith:fence_ipmilan): Started
If the stonith device for nodea ( for example ) is running on nodea, wouldn't that fail to fence nodea when nodea is down? Shouldn't I make sure that fence_device would start on a different server ?
Fencing devices are on infrastructure level. for example:
Virtualization hypervisor (rhvm/ovirt/vmware/openstack ..)
Cloud vendors (aws/azure ..)
DC's remote power management systems and others.
It depents where your server located, and your fence resource will contact the underlying infrastructure to do the vm/physical reboot.
On rh/ex436 there is a vm that provides the power management for your environment (the ips on your fencing resources are interfaces in this power management separate vm).
@NirZilka Thanks for sharing this.
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