What is the most current student workbook for the
RH294 course in the Red Hat Academy?
@Trevor Hello! the latest version offered by Red Hat Academy is RH294-9.0.
Best - Tudor
Thanks RudorRaduta for responding to my query!
Are you by chance using that this semester, as an
instructor or a student, in the RH294 course?
Thanks again!!!
You bet! I am part of the Red Hat Academy staff, but I can try to help if you have a question :grin:
It's a beautiful thing to know that you're a part of the
Red Hat Academy itself!!! I'm going to put you down
as my go-to person on future questions that involve
the Red Hat Academy.
Many thanks Tudor!!!!
I’d be happy to help! Thank you for everything you do for the program and the community you serve.
Best - Tudor
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