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RHEL 8, RH 124, Chapter 12, Section 5 needs fixing...

Interestingly, this same issue existed in RHEL 7, RH124, Chapter 11, Section 4 (it has since been fixed).

Even more interesting, the instructions for RHEL 8, RH124, Chapter 12, section 5 (the same topic) have been updated -- they reflect that ip4 has been removed and that ipv4.addresses (and the like) can now be used when adding a connection.

The problem is that the content demonstrates creating three connections in a row, all with the same connection name (but different settings), with no mention as to what the implications of doing so are:


It would be reasonable to assume that if you did the steps back-to-back-to-back, adding connections with the same connection name, that each successive configuration would overwrite the preceding one. That's what my RHEL 7 students thought when I presented this scenario to them.

The assumption is wrong.

You'll notice that, in each case, the output from the nmcli command is not shown. This is important. If they had shown it, you'd see something like the following:


(Incidentally, RHEL 7.0 does not output the Warning message.)

Yes, you can obviously have multiple connections with the same name. If you do this, however, you must now reference them using their UUIDs. Nowhere in the content is this mentioned.

Later, an example shows this (I'm including the last command from above to show that no other connections were created):


The problem is that the static-ens3 connection was never created anywhere in the content.

This was fixed in the RHEL 7 content, why wasn't it fixed here, too?

Program Lead at Arizona's first Red Hat Academy, est. 2005
Estrella Mountain Community College
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