If you get the RHCSA and Red Hat Security Specialist certifications, does the re-certification of the Red Hat Security Specialist exam also recertify the RHCSA? For example:
When I read the documentation (https://www.redhat.com/en/services/certification/renewal), it is unclear. It states that doing the following will recertify an RHCSA:
That sounds like the answer to my question is No. It sounds like you have to be an RHCE to recertify the RHCSA via a Specialist exam? Also, it is not clear if re-certifying an existing Specialist Certification applies here (or if you have to get a new Specialiast certification).
Could someone help clear this up?
Maybe this helps. I recently passed the EX180 exam and noticed that the expiration date of my RHCSA was extended to the same date as the EX180.
Hi @ericbos , that is certainly good to know. Do you have an RHCE also? What do you think will happen when you re-certify your EX180 exam? I wonder if the RHCSA will recertify with that.
No I just did EX200 and EX180, will do EX280 and EX288 next and after that EX294 if I manage all that.
Cool. When you have all of those done, do you think you would have to retake exams for the EX180, EX280, EX288, and EX294 every 3 years, or is there some other way you plan to re-certify them?
My impression is that with every exam I pass all the past exams will be extended, so as long as I pass at least 1 exam every 3 years I would remain certified.
Cool. I hope that is the case! I will try to get an official answer from RedHat.
I think individual certifications do expire at the end of their own duration...
I think in 2025, in your scenario, both certifs would be "expired". If you would do one again, it would make that one valid, but would not change the other expired ones...
Note 2 things:
1) It gets more complicated from level RHCA, RHCA , (look at the for RHCEs tab). There's some maintaining certifications to maintain the RHCA level (that does not change that each certifications have their own expiration date)
2) That even if your certification is expired, you were once certified, I would say I have seen some professional advertising themselve as "certified xxx (pending renewal or something like pending budget to renew, etc...). Saying that, it would be easier to have a decent employer who value your skills, and help you maintaining relevant certifications by financing them for you :)
If I were you, I'd ask that question officially there:
Thanks for that link @JS_Learning. I have posted the question there and will report back my findings.
Hi All, I did receive an official email back, and heard GOOD NEWS! Re-certifying a Specialist exam will also re-certify the RHCSA and RHCE. Here is their response:
1/2022 - I pass RHCSA
4/2022 - I pass RH Security Specialist
-QUESTION: Does this re-certify my RHCSA (shifting the expiration date for the RHCSA out to 4/2025)
Yes, any specialist exam will extend RHCSA and RHCE for 3 years from the date you pass the exam.
4/2025 - Re-certify RH Security Specialist
-QUESTION: by re-certifying the Security Specialist exam (by taking it again), does that automatically re-certify the RHCSA?
Yes, if your RHCSA is current (not expired) and if you recertify any specialist exam it will extend themself pulse RHCSA.
Please note: You have to take the exam before the RHCSA become non-current (expire) if you take the exam after the RHCSA is expired then it wont extent. For more details please go through the below links.
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