Join the March "Answer the Unanswered" contest in the Red Hat Learning Community!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Welcome to the Red Hat Learning Community "Answer the Unanswered contest" where you can put your skills to the test, and give back to the Red Hat Learning Community! Members are invited to participate from Monday, March 7 to Friday, April 8, 2022 where up to 15 winners will receive an RHLC JBL waterproof speaker.

Join the 50,000 member contest! (3).png

To enter the RHLC contest:

  1. Kudo this post
  2. Provide an accurate answer or contribution to at least one of the 15 pre-selected questions below. More questions answered increases the chances of winning. 

Question Bank:

# Question
1 RHLC March Challenge: What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given?
2 Video: Deploying GitLab CI Runners on OpenShift
3 OpenShift 4 route whitelist - question
4 Introduce yourself to the Community
5 What Red Hat training course(s) have you completed?
6 while installing dnf-utils for setup standalone open stack for practice get failed
7 Issue while moving to Infra node
8 DO180 comprehensive review question - curl returning blank
9 Looking for a recommendation on a terminal emulator for clients running windows
10 Podman search - Environmental variables
11 Ansible playbook
12 What would you like to see in a learning community?
13 RHCA status - how to keep it current
14 Stuck on starting a rootless container...
15 February RHLC Challenge: What career did you want as a child, and what are you doing now?
Bonus How were you introduced to Open Source technology?

*See contest terms and conditions here.

Thank you again to all of our members for contributing to our platform dedicated to connecting members as they upskill on Red Hat products and open source technology! 

Disclaimer: There will be no limit to how many questions you can answer correctly but only ONE prize per winner will be awarded. Please be mindful of others in the community!

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