Join the Red Hat Learning Community 50K member contest!

Community Manager
Community Manager

To celebrate the Red Hat Learning Community growing to 50,000 members, we are kicking off a contest to thank our members, learners, instructors, experts and contributors!

The contest timeline will be from  Monday, November 16 - Friday, December 11. Three randomly selected winners will receive Red Hat cool stuff store gift cards, with the grand prize winner also earning an exclusive “ask the expert” session with Red Hat Training & Certification leaders.

To enter the RHLC 50k member contest:

1. Kudo this post

2. Comment below on how community has impacted your growth by answering at least one (1) of the questions below:

  • Why is community valuable throughout the learning experience?
  • How has the community helped you in your learning journey?
  • How has the Red Hat Learning Community (RHLC) helped you achieve your learning goals?

Thank you again to all of the members of the Red Hat Learning Community for fueling a platform dedicated to share knowledge and upskill on open source technology.

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Read the Red Hat Learning Community 50,000 Member Contest 202Official Rules

10 responses
Community Manager
Community Manager

The power of community is incredibly valuable when adopting a new skill, or seeking a group of folks with like minded interests and passions to collaborate, share advice, mentorship and support. Learning how to work with Red Hat products and use them on the job, can at times be allows people to harness a peer support system that enables them to meet their goals.

Starfighter Starfighter

It's great to see how this community has grown so much in the last couple of years.

I remember RHLC having around 3k members when the project launched in 2018, the amount of people finding this platform useful has increased 15x times! The numbers speak for themselves.

In today's world we all rely on a community for practical purposes. When we are learning new things like OpenShift or Ansible, studying for a Red Hat exam or working on a solution for a work related problem, there is something beautiful about being a part of a group of people who share ideas they feel passionately about. You get the opportunity to talk to like-minded people, to bounce ideas off one another, and most importantly, to ask for help.

When I was working on my RHCA, I had a few issues that the community helped me to resolve. I'll say this again, it's great to see how far the RHLC has come. Having a place to share knowledge and help each other out is what this place is truly all about.

Thank you everyone who's been working behind the scenes to make this happen, and I hope to see a post about "500k member contest" one day!

Flight Engineer Flight Engineer
Flight Engineer

  • Why is community valuable throughout the learning experience?

For me the main reason to use this community is to get help on a certain technology. When a course has an error somewhere most probably someone has found an workaround or can help you understand the technical situation.


But from my point on view the main benefit is one that cannot be specified answering your questions.

What I see as the main benefit is that people learn and help others learn opensource technologies and , most of them if not all, become advocates for the opensource community.

Yes, opensource cannot exist without quality products but without advocates you can have the best technology and nobody will use it.

For me personally the RH contribution to the opensource community made me a fan of Red Hat. If tomorrow RH decides to stop contributing to the opensource community I will switch to whatever fork will be created because the opensource community community will definetly come up with something. But I'm really hoping that doesnt happen.


First of all I am glad to be part of Red Hat community, And exited to participate on this contest so thank you so much for giving the community members to share their experience and poin of view toward community. I would like to answer two answers as follows.

1] Why is community valuable throughout the learning experience?

Ofcource the community is valuable for learning experience because it not only helps in learning but also give you the apportunity to be the leader and lead the communuty,Here you also learn team building.and knowledge sharing and get the help form all the people who are willing to grow the learning community and at the end its an win win situation for each member of the community as we all gain something from it that too free of cost.

2] How has the community helped you in your learning journey?

For me If I need face any issues I always serarch in Redhat Support Cases and Online Community to get help in troubleshooting the issues. Also it helps in learning. I learn many thing in Oopenshift and RedHat Linux commands through Officials documentations and also community posts.

Benifits of Community:

Fast Adaptation of new skiils,

Group Task,

Support in troubleshooting the issue

Increased selft steem

Knowledge about Redhat Products.

Thank You

  • Why is community valuable throughout the learning experience?
  • I think only recently (during 2020) I've realized how much of an impact a community can make on terms of learning. Even considering the additional challenges of being remote, a community is a great way to learn from others who have more experience, share experiences to visualize how similar they are and motivate one another.
Mission Specialist
Mission Specialist
  • How has the community helped you in your learning journey?
    Occasionally I was facing any troubles, but I didn't know how to resolve these troubles. I often find same troubles in the community, and I resolved it. Community's knowledge is so good for me.
    Sometimes I want to be lazy, however, I became stimulated by community members. I could be RHCA thanks to the community :)
Mission Specialist
Mission Specialist

As a student or trainee, the RHLC is a great way to learn from other people's experiences.  Whether it's a technical issue during a certification exam, or purchasing/scheduling issues, it's always great to have the ability to check if a problem may be isolated to your specific situation or if others have experienced it and how they solved it.

An indirect or not-so-obvious benefit of this community is a shared sense of purpose and even motivation that comes from seeing the vast number of people from all walks of life discussing their study paths or exams.  A community member may even learn of new material or certifications just by browsing some of the questions and answers on here. 



Mission Specialist
Mission Specialist
  • Why is community valuable throughout the learning experience?


Answer to above question

Community help in many way like  seeking help for any topic or new technical stuff. For me the main reason to use this community is to get help on a certain technology. When a course has an error somewhere most probably someone has found an workaround or can help you understand the technical situation.


Flight Engineer
Flight Engineer

@DeannaYour wrote: "The contest timeline will be from Monday, November 16 - Friday, December 11."

Have you announced the winners yet? Or is this contest still open?

Community Manager
Community Manager

@theLinuxGuy Winners will be contacted through private message in the Red Hat Learning Community and we will post an announcement when all have redeemed their prize. Thank you for being a member of the Red Hat Learning Community, and for helping us celebrate this milestone.