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Join the Red Hat Learning Community New Years Challenge!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Join the 50,000 member contest!.png

The Red Hat Learning Community is hosting a New Years Challenge, to celebrate 2022 and begin 2023 with the right intentions. Join the challenge to share lessons learned, new goals, and help others celebrate their intentions for the New Year.

How to participate?

1. Kudo this post and share at least one of the following:

  • Share an accomplishment from 2022
  • Share a lesson learned from 2022
  • Share a goal for 2023 (personal or professional)
  • Share a piece of advice for community members as we kick off a new year.

Thank you to all for being members of our open community dedicated to helping other learn open source, this community thrives on contribution and collaboration, and would not be the community it is today without our amazing members. 

*a random selection for prize winners will take place February 6, 2023.

47 responses
  • Share an accomplishment from 2022 -
  1. I completed my RHCE exam EX294 in Feb end, joined Red Hat in June 2022
  2.  Completed exams EX447, EX347, EX467 till now and on track for RHCA
  • Lesson learned from 2022 -

Always keep pushing yourself to learn a new area.

  • Share a goal for 2023
  1. Build Stronger Client Relationships.
  2. Complete my RHCA.
  3. Accomplish goal of reading one book per week.
  • Share a piece of advice for community members as we kick off a new year.

Keep being awesome and supporting each other.


2022 accomplishment: Hired by Red Hat! (November 2022)
Lesson learned from 2022: Make priorities otherwise you'll burn out
2023 goal: Find the time and the will to daily meditate.
Piece of advice for community members as we kick off a new year: Be gentle, be kind to everyone, as the good you do to others is as if you were doing it to yourself.

Mission Specialist
Mission Specialist

2022 acomlishment: RHCSA refresh on RHEL9

Lesson learned:  rehearse rehearse rehearse, till you write commands from memory, tab completion not included  

2023 goal: RHCE and them some.

Piece of advice for comunnity members: persistence perseverance and dedication for the certification, helping someone else to pass his/her exam for instant gratification.


I would like to complete REDHat EX training series.


Broke into the Cloud space with OpenShift and completed the entry certificate DO180. My goal is to go much fruther and get two more certificates (DO280 and DO3xx)

Insight: learn daily, especially in the morning where the concentration is at its peek. It just takes an hour and you stay in the loop. I take a ton of notes, helps with retention and organizes what I learn. I like to psychologically push myself by chunking the work and not allowing myself to quit when i'm in the middle of a chunk like a chapter or concept.

Sometimes it's helpful for me to go on a tangent, like read up some history, meaning of acronyms, watch a YouTube video on some background. In IT this deep dive always pays back.


2022 acomlishment: RHCSA on RHEL9

2023: preparing for RHCE

further more to get my hands dirty with openshift & redhat containers & Kubernetes 

Piece of advice:

practice, practice, & practice  

practice makes perfect 

Also consider reading technical books it will deepen your understanding 

  • Share an accomplishment from 2022 -
  1. I completed my Ex 358 Exam, which was my First Certification of Redhat.
  2. I gained knowledge on various technologies like Redhat Linux, and Cloud like AWS, and Azure.
  • Lesson learned from 2022 -

     Nothing is Impossible. All you need is the right approach, determination, and willingness to achieve it.

  • Share a goal for 2023
  1. Complete my RHCA.
  2. To get placed in Redhat, which is my dream company.
  3. Give more importance to my health.
  • Share a piece of advice for community members as we kick off a new year.

Be helpful, Never stop learning. Explore more technologies and contribute to the open-source Community.

Flight Engineer
Flight Engineer
  • Share an accomplishment from 2022 -
  1. I have achieved my dream to be in Red Hat [ November 2022 - as Trainee ].
  2. Learned RHCSAV9, DO180V4.10 & DO280V4.10 and Successfully appeared and cleared the exams EX200V9, EX280V4.10, EX180V4.10 [ In December 2022 ]
  • Lesson learned from 2022 -
  1. We have to work hard and keep going on no matter how many times you fail to achieve the dreams
  2. Analysing ourselves and identifying the issues & working on them will help you to grow.
  3. Having a growth mindset helps a lot to learn new things.
  • Share a goal for 2023 -
  1. Become FTE in Red Hat.
  2. Learn Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform in-depth.
  3. Contribute in team.
  4. Meet whole team offline in Office
  5. Learn Game Development.[ To work on my dream to create OpenSource Games which works on all platform ].
  6. Set-up home cloud [ To Practice and Learn new tech with Proper Hardware ].
  7. Build My First PC
  • Share a piece of advice for community members as we kick off a new year -
  1. Practice everything & get your hands dirty.
  2. Try to understand what, why & how of every concepts.
  3. Share knowledge [ help each other in posts, learnt something new? create blog that helps others to learn about it and how they can learn it ].
  4. Ask questions on what you didn't understood.
  5. Believe in yourself & keep on walking.
  6. Read product documentations.
  7. Use help options.
  8. Re-evaluate yourself everyday.
  9. Analyse your time utilization for a month and remove the things that utilize your time but not helping you to learn something or that wastes your time and recreate your schedule and implement it.
  10. Make Friends and enjoy. [ Break is needed & Life should have +ve memories in that ]
  11. Be truthful to yourself and see the change.

2022 accomplishment: Learned lots of new things and applied my learnings to create results. 
Lesson learned from 2022: Learning is a way of life.
2023 goal: Gain new experiences in life.
Piece of advice for community members as we kick off a new year:

  • No matter what set goals and keep working towards it and enjoy the process.
  • Be kind to all and spread happiness wherever you go.

2022 accomplishment: completed the RH415 Cource Red Hat!
Lesson learned from 2022: Practicle knowledge important rather than certification
2023 goal: Getting RH415 Redhat certificate and work in redhat
Piece of advice for community members as we kick off a new year: Be gentle, be kind to everyone, as the good you do to others is as if you were doing it to yourself.


Accomplishment from 2022:

  • Took two certificate modular courses at university
  • Cleared 2 Red Hat certifications and 1 AWS Certification
  • Learned more about DevOps and Agile

Lesson learned from 2022:

  • Learning is a curve road, there might be stops but you have to keep moving
  • Be prepared. Oppurtunites would come but you need to be prepared to utilise them

Share a goal for 2023 (personal or professional):

  • Take a new certification every quarter and keep the learning momemtum

Share a piece of advice for community members as we kick off a new year.

  • Stay hungry, Stay foolish, Keep learning
  • Red Hat OpenShift I: Containers & Kubernetes (DO180) v4.6

  • Keeping Idle without learning anything is waste of time . 

  • To achieve Redhat Architect Certificate
  • Keep Learning 
  • Share an accomplishment from 2022

                - Received my first ever RedHat award "Rookie of the Quarter" award for CY22Q6  

  • Share a lesson learned from 2022 

                 - Nothing changes if nothing changes!!!

  • Share an accomplishment from 2022: Revalidate my RHCSA
  • Share a lesson learned from 2022: The certification exam are still as challenging as 10 years ago, and as rewarding as well.  
  • Share a goal for 2023: RHCE here I go...
  • Share a piece of advice for community members as we kick off a new year: RH eLearning is one of the most conprehensive tools for learning. Do the Video, Do the Labs, experiment and apply them at work. It's not empty trainings for an exam, it is knowledge you can apply. 

Share an accomplishment from 2022Completed both the EX180 and Azure Fundamentals certifications this year

Share a piece of advice for community members as we kick off a new year: Keep doing the guided exercises as well as the end of chapter labs, trying as much as possible to ignore the guidance!

Flight Engineer Flight Engineer
Flight Engineer
  • Share an accomplishment from 2022
    • I earned 7 certifications in 2022
      • RHCSA
      • PenTest+
      • Cloud+
      • AWS Cloud Practitioner
      • AWS Solutions Architect
      • AWS SysOps Administrator
      • AWS Developer
  • Share a lesson learned from 2022
    • I was a 2.3GPA high school graduate and I have diagnosed ADHD and I thought my low score was a measure of me the rest of my life. I can do more than I thought I could if I just put my mind to it. I'm in my 30's and feel like I'm just discovering my capabilities.
  • Share a goal for 2023 (personal or professional)
    • 5 more Certs
      • Microsoft Azure Administrator
      • isc(2) CCSP
      • A+
      • Net+
      • Project+
      • Start an AWS track program at WGU Cloud Computing
  • Share a piece of advice for community members as we kick off a new year.
    • Creativity and mental organization may be your best tools on the job.

@Deanna Thanks for these great community engagements and conversation starters. I love reading people's advice and about their journeys.

Mission Specialist
Mission Specialist

Share an accomplishment from 2022

Got certified OSCP, RHCSA, started a new challenege (Job).

Share a lesson learned from 2022

Learned a lot about ansible and automation and learned more about redhat in general.

Share a goal for 2023 (personal or professional)

To be Redhat certified engineer and to pass EX374 exam.

Share a piece of advice for community members as we kick off a new year.

Always learn new stuff and move forward, get new roles and challenges dont be static.

  • Share an accomplishment from 2022

Passed EX288 Red Hat Certified Specialist in OpenShift Application Development so that i renewed my RHCA status.

  • Share a lesson learned from 2022

be confident enough to pass Red Hat Exams. 
Otherwise re-evaluate  the course material and finish the labs again.

  • Share a goal for 2023 (personal or professional)

Finding a job to work with OpenShift on a daily basis.
Continue learning more about OpenShift and passing the more advanced OpenShift exams.

  • Share a piece of advice for community members as we kick off a new year.

Don't take courses just to pass a Red Hat exam. Also have fun learning new stuff.

Mission Specialist
Mission Specialist

My goal for 2023: getting a new learning subscription standard and pass 5 exams to keep my certification status up-to-date.

Mission Specialist
Mission Specialist

Hello All


1. Kudo this post and share at least one of the following:

  • Share an accomplishment from 2022

Completed the course DO280 online.

  • Share a lesson learned from 2022

Improved my understanding of openshift cluster and debugging skills

  • Share a goal for 2023 (personal or professional)

Continue taking advanced courses with openshift/ Kubernetes cluster management

  • Share a piece of advice for community members as we kick off a new year.

Be a lifelong learner!  There is always something interesting to learn.



Mission Specialist
Mission Specialist

I am a newbie here



  • Share an accomplishment from 2022
    • Passed CKA exam
  • Share a lesson learned from 2022
    • Helping your team grow helps you grow
  • Share a goal for 2023 (personal or professional)
    • Implement Ansible Automation Plarform at Enterprise Scale.
    • Obtain openshift certiticate.
  • Share a piece of advice for community members as we kick off a new year.
    • Teach others what you've learn an how you've learned it. Make your teamates glow.

Happy 2023!

Flight Engineer
Flight Engineer
  • Share an accomplishment from 2022
    Got RHCE on April 2022.
  • Share a lesson learned from 2022
    Always share what you experience, you may help others without knowing.
  • Share a goal for 2023 (personal or professional)
    Planning to get CCNA
  • Share a piece of advice for community members as we kick off a new year.
    Again Always share what you experience, you may help others without knowing.
Mission Specialist
Mission Specialist
  • Share an accomplishment from 2022
    I completed both RHCSA courses (failed the exam), and am proud of the commitment I followed through to learn RHEL this year. These courses have provided me with a great view into the jungle that is linux, and I'm excited to be walking my own path, learning as I go.
  • Share a lesson learned from 2022
    It is as important to know why something is done as much as how to go about doing it. There were times I caught myself going through the motions while working through the labs because I knew what to expect. Certain parts of my exam scoring helped me realize that I should understand why things are done so that I can put them in context of a situation and solve or troubleshoot with purpose.
  • Share a goal for 2023 (personal or professional)
    My goal for 2023 is to pass the DO188 exam, then pass the RHCSA exam within first quarter. Beyond that, I expect to continue my education with Ansible and grow my knowledge of containers. I would like to read at least 20 books.
  • Share a piece of advice for community members as we kick off a new year.
    Compassion for others and myself brings me inner peace. When I am at peace, it affects how I approach my hobbies (including linux), and learning becomes a curious rugged path I can travel rather than a hurdle I must overcome.

Share an accomplishment from 2022 -
I completed my RHCSA exam in jan,and will complete EX294 by year end to complete RHCE

Lesson learned from 2022 -
Creating dependency stops growth. pass on and move on to new things .

Goal for 2023
I have to Complete few more Redhat certification like EX188


Learn to be productive with Red Hat Linux and Ansible -- accomplished (but with vast opportunity to grow further in 2023).

Always watch your training videos -- for example, from the excellent instructor in the RH199 videos (shout-out to Ricardo da Costa) I've learned several things not mentioned in the text for the training course (e.g. trying out »mtr« instead of tracepath/traceroute and so on) -- lesson learned. 

One of many goals for 2023: gain expertise with Satellite and the Ansible Automation Platform. Cheers! 


Share an accomplishment from 2022:

Completed my RHCA Track and earned the following certifications to complete my RHCA

  1. Red Hat Certified Specialist in Deployment and Systems Management
  2. Red Hat Certified Specialist in Developing Automation with Ansible Automation Platform
  3. Red Hat Certified Specialist in OpenShift Administration
  4. Red Hat Certified Specialist in Containers and Kubernetes
  5. Red Hat Certified Specialist in Advanced Automation: Ansible Best Practices
  • Share a lesson learned from 2022One has to be consistent with the learning plan and do as much hands on as possible.
  • Share a goal for 2023 (personal or professional)

Continue the learning journey and complete the certifications in Openshift track.

  • Share a piece of advice for community members as we kick off a new year.

 Certifications are the entry point for learning any technology. Always go through the documentation, use cases and reference architectures this will give you more insight of the practical implementation and gain mastery in the topic.

  • Share an accomplishment from 2022 

         I passed my RHCSA exam in June 2022.

  • Share a lesson learned from 2022

         Practice and focus on goals.

  • Share a goal for 2023 (personal or professional)

         Upgrading me technically appearing in RHCE and working hard for my dream job in Redhat.

  • Share a piece of advice for community members as we kick off a new year.

         Be kind and grateful.

Mission Specialist
Mission Specialist
  • Share an accomplishment from 2022 

continued learn and grow from RHCA Level-1 to Level-II

  • Share a lesson learned from 2022

Practice makes a man perfect always learn by experimeting

  • Share a goal for 2023 (personal or professional)

Deliver session in RedHat summit 2023

  • Share a piece of advice for community members as we kick off a new year.

Learn together , together everyone gets more

Flight Engineer
Flight Engineer

In 2022 I achieved my Red Hat Architect status!
During a 1 year usage of a learning subscription, i passed 4 specialist exams which i needed on top of my Engineer status and a specialist certification I already had before that. In the end I now posess the Ansible Automation platform, RHEL troubleshooting and security, Ceph storage and Openshift certifications.

Many thanks to HCS Company, the Netherlands where Karen, KP and Marko sponsored me with that learning sub, and all my collegues with the inspiration, feedback, discussions and knowledge aiding me in achieving my goal!

My tip for all looking to certify in multiple areas, is to find a suitable learning subscription which has an anormous value for money, with access to almost every RedHat training you want.

For 2023, beside getting more practical experience in Openshift for which i am already a big assignment, i also set my goal on an Openstack certification.

Lessons learned: dont plan an exam at a date where you have other things to do in that same week, even if the are social events! And also the other way around: don't plan heavy stuffy in the days prior to the exam, it will wear you down and cost you focus. Be 100% fit! Only hours before that exam i planned too many other stuff, i already knew i would not pass because i was not rested enought, and indeed i failed that attempt. Wont make the same mistake again like that!

My mission for 2022: Passed!!



Share a goal for 2023: I want to become a certified Red Hat engineer

Share a lesson learned from 2022: to study everything in stages

Share a piece of advice for community members as we kick off a new year: don't be afraid to make mistakes


  • Share an accomplishment from 2022

Red Hat Certified Specialist in OpenShift Application Development

  • Share a lesson learned from 2022

Be careful of the work-life balance

  • Share a goal for 2023 (personal or professional)

Get the RHCSA and the OpenShift Administration certifications

  • Share a piece of advice for community members as we kick off a new year.

Consistency is essential to achieve goals



Took my RHCE and passed. 


Start working on RHCA and taking my RHCSA to make the RHCE count  


Starfighter Starfighter

A personal goal for 2023:

-  Visit Brazil during one of the festival celebrations.  Would love to make it for Carnival, but that's coming up a little too soon for me.  If there's a Brazlian native or resident in the audience, maybe you can recommend the best festival to attend - other than Carnival.

A professional goal for 2023:

-  Keep my foot on the accelerator to attain that coveted RHCA designation.  As those who have conquered this challenge, they know the journey is marathon, and not a sprint.

As far as advice to share, I'm going to share a slice, instead of piece - I always have to be different      

- My advice:  Never stop learning, and enjoy the journey!!!

An accomplishment in 2022:

-  I  don't recall anything.  The year went by so fast.  I knew I should have kept a journal!

A lesson learned in 2022:

-  Keep a journal!!!




Let's have this year's RHA Conference somewhere in Hawaii!!!

Happy 2023!!!


A personal goal for 2023:

- To visit various places in India.

A professional goal for 2023:

- Try to get two certification

- My advice: Work hard and enjoy the life fullest, spare some time for meditation

An accomplishment in 2022:

- Learned many stuffs in Openshift, Kubernetes, completed, RHCE, RHOS EX280

A lesson learned in 2022:

- Keep a journal!!!






An accomplishment from 2022

1. Got my first job as devops engineer !

2. Learned new things like Linux, kubernetes, openshift container platform - 180,280,380.

 A lesson learned from 2022

1. Always make a note of things cause you might forget them later , so that note comes in handy.

 A goal for 2023 (personal or professional)

1. I Wanted to get certified in EX280 Red Hat Certified Specialist in OpenShift Administration . Which I did yesterday . So one goal is already accomplished .

2. The other goal would be able to get CKA (certified kubernetes administrator) certified.

 A piece of advice for community members as we kick off a new year.

1. Learn new things everyday and enjoy ! 

Flight Engineer Flight Engineer
Flight Engineer

Share an accomplishment from 2022:

As Red Hat Accelerator participated in Kubecon EU 2022 in Openshift commons me and my colleague Yasmeen Openshiftcommons Kubecon EU 2022 "Sharing is caring"  

Share a lesson learned from 2022:

People matter. Your colleagues might not be your friends, but you spend most of your time with them. Do earn their trust, respect, shared understanding, and causes. Be there for each other at work, and remember to care for each other mentally.

Share a goal for 2023:

More impact in the community via meetups with the help of the redhat accelerators and AWS community. Check my youtube above, "Sharing is caring."



Don't stop learning. Your development drives your career, your inspirations go your development, and your inspirations flourish with continuous learning and getting outside your comfort zone. Share a piece of advice for community members as we kick off a new year: 

Flight Engineer Flight Engineer
Flight Engineer

Happy New Year 2023 everyone,

  • Share an accomplishment from 2022: -> Completed EX403
  • Share a goal for 2023: -> Preparing for EX188 & EX280
  •  Share an accomplishment from 2022:

Course completion of Redhat Hat Rapid Track-RH199VC

Course completion of Red Hat Enterprise Linux Automation with Ansible-RH294

  • Share a goal for 2023 (personal or professional)

Really Excited to schedule Exam of RHCSA-v9 EX200V9K


accomplishment from 2022 
got a job at Red Hat!! (the ultimate dream job)

piece of advise for 2023
don't wear headphones while vacuuming.
I've just finished the whole house and realized the vacuum wasn't even turned on...

Starfighter Starfighter
  • Share an accomplishment from 2022
    • I lost 6kg.
    • I got my Brumby broken to saddle.
  • Share a lesson learned from 2022
    • Losing weight is a whole lot easier than keeping it off.
  • Share a goal for 2023 (personal or professional)
    • Lose four more kilos to reach my goal weight.
    • Adopt the keto diet.
    • Renew RHCSA.
  • Share an accomplishment from 2022 

         Joined an awsome team focused on Telco Cloud (part of my career transformation) Thanks to @KeremCeliker for his coaching.


  • Share a lesson learned from 2022

         Never postpone your goals

  • Share a goal for 2023 (personal or professional)

         Earning RHCSA certification. Openshift and Ansible trained (if possible certified)

  • Share a piece of advice for community members as we kick off a new year.

         Share your knowledge and allow community to show you respect


2022 accomplishment: Learn basic openstack, devops tools and ansible
Lesson learned from 2022: Keep up with newer technology and platform.
2023 goal: Continue education, training with Ansible and Openshift. To be RH certified.
Piece of advice for community members as we kick off a new year: Keeping hands dirty with newer technology.


2022 Accomplishment: Maintained and patched nine RHEL servers on my own
Lesson learned from 2022: Ensure, after you've mapped an SELinux user to your own account with sudo privileges, you add your account in the sudoers.d directory before logging out or rebooting.
2023 Goal: Take and pass the RHCSA exam
Advice for community members: Never stop learning, ask a lot of questions, and fail often

  • Share an accomplishment from 2022 -
  1. I completed my RHCSA in the month of April 11th 2022
  • Share a goal for 2023
  1. Completed RHCE by March 31st 2023
  2. Try to complete RHCA by end of the year 2023
  3. Become versatile in writing playbooks and share with others by github, so others can use and enhance it.

I successfully upgraded our Satellite server from 6.5 to 6.11 without much experience.  The articles from Red Hat were VERY well written and easy to follow!

  • 2022 accomplishment: I was hired by Red Hat in October 2022!
  • Lesson learned from 2022: Prioritizing is crucial for a healthy work-life balance
  • 2023 goal: Self-motivate to exercise regularly + pass the RHCSA exam
  • Advice for community members: Never stop learning and exploring!

Happy New Year 2023!