Hi guys,
does anyone know if there is a way to check the documentation for the Kustomization resource from the command line?
I mean something similar to oc / kubectl explain to check features like configMapGenerator or patchesStrategicMerge.
This would be extremely useful during exams which include Kustomize.
Thank you,
Hello @m_sigismondi !
Please see this if it helps : https://kubectl.docs.kubernetes.io/references/kustomize/cmd/help/
Hi @Chetan_Tiwary_ ,
thank you for your suggestion but I'm afraid would not help since is not guaranteed that kustomize command is installed and oc kustomize --help gives a different set of options.
My concern is about having documentation during EX280 exam.
Hello @m_sigismondi AFAIK - the necessary documentation is provided during exam - however please reach out to exam support if they can provide concrete info to your query :
From a quick look, it doesn't seem that the official Red Hat OpenShift product documentation has a section on how to write a kustomization.yaml file.
There is documentation about it on kubernetes.io, sometimes the upstream docs are included in exams, is this the case?
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