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Mission Specialist
Mission Specialist

Remote Exam mic issue

Hello Guys,

I have scheduled my RHCSA 200 exam, I could not write my exam due to problem with MIC which was showing mute on my laptop and Support contacted me on phone but they were not able to fix issue. 

My MIC works fine with windows and it looks like Bug on Remote live ISO .

My laptop is HP EliteBook, Core i5 , 8 GB RAM


Is anyone face same issue and solved?

16 Replies
Mission Specialist
Mission Specialist

Jokes on me, I use redhat on it and it recognizes my sound devices. Only the exam image does not.

0 Kudos

I see your point Attila. "I use redhat on it and it recognizes my sound devices" - it may be because the exam Fedora is a bit older version. It always takes some time to modify it for the exam purpose. Another reason may be there are additionally downloaded modules (drivers) to your Linux installation. This is not possible to do on the Exam system, which is locked. I wish the situation was better and more HW was supported Those are no jokes

Petr Cihlar
0 Kudos

This is a typical issue. Look at the Sound settings, and click on the drop-down menu. In case you see just a dummy input there, the internal sound card the mic is connected to is not recognized. There are no drivers for it, it is a compatibility issue. It happens on some computer chipsets and more on newer hardware. Luckily, Redhat does not care what mic you use. Many external cameras also have a mic. Additionally, you can connect an external USB mic (not a jack plug version, because the jack is also connected to the same incompatible sound card). You may also use a USB headset and leave it on the desk during the exam and use it as a mic (headsets are not allowed on the head and speakers are not required for the exam). Do not forget to move the mic slider to the right, but not fully. You should see the red indicators moving only when you speak or make some noise.

Petr Cihlar
0 Kudos

I had used my Thinkpad laptop and passed this exam! And you should check in RedHat' Certified devices list of your computer manufacturer. I also run redhat 8.5 on my laptop to work and learn every day.

0 Kudos
Mission Specialist
Mission Specialist

Using the exam Fedora live image can be tricky. I have 3 PCs and 2 laptops at home and believe it or not compatibility test only works on my oldest PC (DIY with Intel 6th Gen). All the new PCs always missed one or two things. That includes a 2021 Thinkpad which is supposed to have better compatibility with Fedora. My AMD gaming laptop won't even boot the Fedora, probably Secure Boot issues. 

For Mic I used Logitech C920 webcam that has built-in mic and it works great on the Fedora.

0 Kudos

Secure Boot may be disabled. (assuming the computer is yours, not restricted by your company policy). All can be fixed if it only boots. You can always use USB to Ethernet adapters etc. Some laptops have the possibility to disable the better discrete video card in bios and use the poor integrated Intel Video. Yes, very old laptop may work. Even Core 2 Duos have 64bit CPU and they are from 2010-12 I think. The issue now are some newer configurations, tablets, Surface, Yoga, Nvidias, Ryzen computers. And of course newer Apple computers. On the other hand, tons of older Dells, Lenovos, HPs can be used

Petr Cihlar
Mission Specialist
Mission Specialist

Yes, that is why it is good to test the system 3 days before exam and be ready to borrow equipment from family / friends / co-workers if needed.


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