Hello Engineers,
I am looking for a self paced course for Red Hat System Administration II (RH134) similar to Redhat System Administration I (RH124) https://rol.redhat.com/rol/app/courses/rh124-7/pages/ch11s11 , but can't find one. After the UI change I am struggling to find the required catalog, please help.
@jayashankarvs I've checked your enrollments, and I do not see one for RHLS under the username given. I will message you directly to discuss your Account IDs.
Thanks, but I get below msg:
It looks like you might not have a full learning subscription. I tried looking at what you have and I think you may just have individual self-paced courses rather than a full learning subscrption. It looks like you have acccess to RH124 and RH294.
You might want to check and see what you purchased or what was purchased on your behalf.
Hey Travis,
Thanks for your response. This is what exactly surprises me too, I do have access to RH124 and RH294 this is a company subscription, and I do have full learning subscription. As mentioned earlier, after the UI changes with regard to course content & LAB I have this issue.
@jayashankarvs I've checked your enrollments, and I do not see one for RHLS under the username given. I will message you directly to discuss your Account IDs.
@cschunke thank you for the response, the user name is jaya.shankar. Can you recheck once more?
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