What courses have you successfully completed?
Hi Deanna,
I finish the RH124 course, --> next RH134
I have been QA'ing a lot of courses lately, and have been one of the main authors for some:
After Ansible, I'm moving onto Openshift. Completed DO180, moving onto DO280, both video classrooms taught by (hosted by?) Grega Bremec. Who is possibly loitering round here as the moderator Benko.
Eek! I have been busted! :smileyvery-happy:
Welcome, Nick!
Yes, RH124 is completed
I had completed RHCSA successfully.
I done with my RHCSA,CL110,DO180,EX280
Hi Deanna :)
I've attended the following classroom trainings in 2015-2017:
- CL210 (OpenStack II)
- DO270 (Atomic Host - retired)
- CL310 (OpenStack III)
- DO407 (Ansible)
After that, I became a RHCA and I could finally afford the RHLS with the 50% discount :D
On my RHLS, I have completed so far :
- DO280 (OpenShift admin)
- DO407 again (to prepare for my certification renewal)
- DO288 (OpenShift apps)
- DO425 (OpenShift security)
Additionnally, I attended the PTS288 training at the Red Hat Summit earlier this year. It was a 2-day truncated version of DO288, which I completed on my RHLS.
I have passed all corresponding certification exams, except EX425 which I'm taking next week. Wish me luck ! :)
As part of my RHLS (which I fortunately also could get with a discount due to already being RHCA) I completed:
- RH342
- RH415
- CL210
- DO288
- DO425
And as I have passed all the corresponding exams, I can confirm their quality ;)
I have attended Red Hat CloudForms Hybrid Cloud Management (CL220) training.
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