we are planning to deploy RedHat Virtualization hosts with hosted engine as a nested environment on ESXi.
i am wondering if anyone already deployed such testing environment because we are stcuk on the hosted engine deployment and we got the following error
[ INFO ] TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Get local VM IP]
[ ERROR ] fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"attempts": 90, "changed": true, "cmd": "virsh -r net-dhcp-leases default | grep -i 00:16:3e:29:ba:d7 | awk '{ print $5 }' | cut -f1 -d'/'", "delta": "0:00:00.200239", "end": "2020-02-24 13:23:18.474882", "rc": 0, "start": "2020-02-24 13:23:18.274643", "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}
[ INFO ] TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : include_tasks]
[ INFO ] ok: [localhost]
[ INFO ] TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Remove local vm dir]
[ INFO ] changed: [localhost]
[ INFO ] TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Remove temporary entry in /etc/hosts for the local VM]
[ INFO ] ok: [localhost]
[ INFO ] TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Notify the user about a failure]
[ ERROR ] fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "The system may not be provisioned according to the playbook results: please check the logs for the issue, fix accordingly or re-deploy from scratch.\n"}
any suggestions would be appreciated
can you please verfy the VM setting in ESXI first important thing that you check the option in CPU setting and enable it "Expose the Virtualization" + also edit the NIC from its security properties to enable/allow promiscuous mode.
Hello Ahmed,
Thanks for the confirmation,, So did it solve the problem or not?
Hello Tarek,
My bad, i did not clarify.
i meant that it did not work although we did what you mentioned.
actually we have installed now RHEV-M as standalone and we added the RHV-H hosts to the cluster, but when we create a VM and try to power on it hangs at seaBIOS screen and never boot up.
also we created KVM virtualization hosts based on rhel 7.6, 7.8 and 8.2 and tried to add them to the manager but we got the following error for all of them
"Host XXX installation failed. Command returned failure code 1 during SSH session 'root@XXX.domain.lab'."
appreciate your comment if you have faced any of the issues we are facing
Best regards,
Hi Ahmad,
By default nested virtualization is not supported in rhel 7. You need to install rhel vmhost rhel 8.2 based and then deploy rhvm manger rhel 8.2 based. Hopes it will resolve your issue.
shakeeb, rhce
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