Hi, folks,
My approach to publish and promote has been very simple:
hammer content-view publish --id 6 --major 1 --minor `date "+%j"` --description "The `date "+%d-%b-%Y"` (`date "+Day %j"`) version"
hammer content-view version promote --content-view-id 6 --version 1.`date --date="2 weeks ago" "+%j"` --to-lifecycle-environment-id 4 --organization-id 1
hammer content-view version promote etc.
But the the hammer content-view publish always times out, whereupon the hammer content-view promotes all fail.
Clearly, I'm going about this wrong. What is the better way?
John A
OK, first things first.
Which Satellite version?
A valid question! I'm on Satellite 6.8.6, I think point 2.
I've gotten a fix for the time-out issue from Red Hat support. It's working so far and I'm happy.
It would be nice to post the solution here so as other members can benefit too!
Regarding your initial question, I had a similar solution for a client a few years back but on a much older Satellite. I was experiencing the same issues as you. In my case, the solution was to use variables and quotes in the script.
In the last year though, I moved away from scripts. The foreman-ansible modules are supported and they are much better on handling those cases.
More information about them, you can find in the https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_ansible_automation_platform/1.2/html/getting_s...
and of course the https://cloud.redhat.com/
Hi, PeterTselios,
Good point!
The solution the Red Hat engineer pointed me toward is How to setup hammer API request timeout on Satellite 6.
I hope that's useful,
John A
Mighnot be fully answer to your question, but I'd share my experience. We have been using ansible to automate content promotion using satellite ansible modules. I have been using this method suuccessfully over a year.
Here's example code for ansible:
1. Get list of content-views you want to publish:
- name: Pre-tasks | Find all CVs redhat.satellite.resource_info: username: "{{ sat_user }}" password: "{{ sat_password }}" server_url: "https://{{ sat_hostname }}" organization: "{{ sat_org }}" resource: content_views validate_certs: no register: raw_list_cvs - name: Pre-tasks | Get resource information set_fact: list_all_cvs: "{{ raw_list_cvs['resources'] | json_query(jmesquery) | list }}" vars: jmesquery: "[*].{name: name, composite: composite, id: id}" - name: Pre-tasks | Extract list of content views set_fact: sat6_content_views_list: "{{ sat6_content_views_list }} + ['{{ item.name }}' ]" loop: "{{ list_all_cvs | reject('search', 'Default_Organization_View') | list }}" when: item.composite == false
2. Publish content to desired Lifecycle environment
- name: Publish content redhat.satellite.content_view_version: username: "{{ sat_user }}" password: "{{ sat_password }}" server_url: "https://{{ sat_hostname }}" content_view: "{{ item }}" organization: "{{ sat_org }}" validate_certs: no description: "{{ sat_publish_description }}" lifecycle_environments: - Library - "{{ sat_env_name }}" loop: "{{ sat6_content_views_list | list }}" loop_control: loop_var: "item" register: cv_publish_sleeper
Hi, Khamid,
That's very nice! Where would I look for further documentation for this?
John A
Red Hat
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