I got enrolled in a course Introduction to OpenShift Applications (DO101R). But If Login to the provided link with the email I can't find it anywhere.
@mizanonik I'm glad you were able to login. Enjoy the course!
I have the same problem. I signed up for the course and so far there is no subscription.
@Jim_Meegan I am also facing the same problem even after I logged in to the learning platform using the same USER ID which I had used while enrolling for the course.
Please check the screenshot attached which shows the transaction details in which my user id is mentioned and another screenshot of the Learning platform which shows that I used the same user id to login. But still, I get "You have 0 subscription days left" after login. My course is valid from 26th June to 26th July.
Please help.
I have raised a case as I am not able to see the enrolment my company put me in, I am slo shown Days remaining: 0, no idea what that is.
I've tried;
* Firefox, Chrome
* Logged in using both email address and login that was provided to me by Redhat
* Reset the password
* Visited https://rol.redhat.com.to login (Successful but not enrolled)
* Logged out and cleared the cashe as was recommended in the notice, still not enrolled
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