During my Guided Exercise: Managing an Application with the CLI the oc logs -f bc/quotesapi command suddenly didn't work anymore (timeout).
So, in order to try to solve my self the problem, I tried again the DO288/4.5 lab-configure operation, using
API Endpoint RHT_OCP4_MASTER_API https://api.eu45.prod.nextcle.com:6443
Anyway, the following strange red blocking error appears:
Cannot connect to an OpenShift 4.5 API using your URL.
Please verify ....
Can anyone suggest me a solution to go on wit
I just tried the same lab-configure with the same cluster and it worked fine.
Maybe the cluster had some hiccup? Can you please give it another try?
Kind regards
Jordi Sola
I am having a similar issue in the DO180 course but will post separately about it. Sorry I could not delete my reply.
Cannot connect to an openShift 4,5 API using your URL duting my DO180.
I really need some help if theres any one can explen to me how to fix this issue .
Hi @naser
The user you are typing (naser.shiqwara@...) seems a private username.
As per https://rol.redhat.com/rol/app/courses/do288-4.6/pages/ch01s03, you must use the credentials provided in your lab environment: Hope that helps.
Kind regards
Jordi Sola
Having this issue setting up my lab environment. Have used all the credentials provided during my lab creation. I have tried two different names for github - my login username, and my profile username, which do not match. How do I get help on this?
Hi JWhite
The credentials are ok (despite I can't find any `jwhite0` user in Quay.io).
I know we had an outage a few days ago with NA OCP clusters. Maybe you were just unlucky.
Would you please try again?
Nevertheless, be aware that DO288/4.5 is about to be retired next November, so I would encourage you to move to 4.6. This version includes OCP updates and some content updates and bug fixes you might find interesting.
I hope that helps! Kind regards
Jordi Sola
I piggybacked on an existing thread regarding the lab setup for DO288. Checking my course, I am definitely using OCP 4.6. Thanks for the heads up.
Regarding quay.io, when I go onto the quay website it appears that my account name is jbwhite0. Though I realize quay uses SSO with redhat.com. So in the setup script for the DO288 lab, do I use the quay account name or my RH account name? See quay screenshot.
And now you can disregard my question because it's all working today. It must have been an outage yesterday. jbwhite0 did work during the setup. Thank you.
Glad it worked fine!
Enjoy the course!
Jordi Sola
Red Hat
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