We cannot discuss exam content because - you know - RH exams are protected by NDA.
Usually, besides the RH exam you are taking, this kind of information is written into the "initial configuration information". However, I took this exam twice and in both cases the information was there.
To achieve the exam tasks you can choose the one you feel more comfortable whether the CLI or WebUI.
I suggest you to read carefully the initial configuration information as it contains key information points about the exam you are performing.
I faced same issue and not found work around to access it, I just wonder if it disabled for examination purposes.
We cannot discuss exam content because - you know - RH exams are protected by NDA.
Usually, besides the RH exam you are taking, this kind of information is written into the "initial configuration information". However, I took this exam twice and in both cases the information was there.
To achieve the exam tasks you can choose the one you feel more comfortable whether the CLI or WebUI.
I suggest you to read carefully the initial configuration information as it contains key information points about the exam you are performing.
@Notoe There is no issue in the exam environment, you need to read the exam instructions carefully.
I had an issue logging into the workstation . After multiple failed attempts to login, i was able to secure one session but wasnt able to replicate teh success. This seemed a bit weird and i dont think it was a user issue as termed by the Redhat when i raised a ticket with them. On my second retake i am going to keenly observe and see if this behaviou repeats and will escate it accordingly.
@coimvish sure!
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