Lets say a task asks for you to name your Cronjob the same as the image name.
And lets say the image is located at: registry.ocp.example.com:8443/developer/ose-cli:stable
Now which one of these would be the name of the cronjob?
- registry.ocp4.example.com:8443/developer/ose-cli:stable
- ose-cli:stable
- ose-cli
I would think it would the last one "ose-cli" but I would like to be certain.
Hello @jacuzi !
Yes, I also think it should be "ose-cli" as CronJob controller uses the name of the CronJob to create the Job objects that run the pods. So the CronJob controller will remove the registry address and tag from the image name to ensure that the Job name is unique.
Refer : https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/cron-jobs/
Hello @jacuzi !
Yes, I also think it should be "ose-cli" as CronJob controller uses the name of the CronJob to create the Job objects that run the pods. So the CronJob controller will remove the registry address and tag from the image name to ensure that the Job name is unique.
Refer : https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/cron-jobs/
Hello @jacuzi
Yes, I also think if your cron job is generic and doesn't depend on a specific image version, this could be an appropriate "ose-cli"
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