Can you share the chapter and section where the login is failing?
Hi I'm having similar issue on cap 6 page 152, in fact all the exercices in this cap are with the same error, error 400 (unexpected error).
But if I try to access the url in the browser the service is show, but seems like de API service from the openshift. I'm using the brand new student guide for Openshift 4.0
Im my case was just a problem in the VT platform, not an error at the student guide.
Reprovision you lab and try again. You will be able to login to oc.
Hi @7049Dd ,
Please follow guided exercises to start the course. Guided Exercise: "Creating a Lab Environment" will help you to set up a lab environment.
If you are facing issues related to lab controls then please raise a support case with the Red Hat online learning team.
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