Error during the start of the lab
Follow the error, Can help me ?
Please, wait some minutes after creating lab environment. Unfortunatly, openshift ( master01 ) needs some time to be ready.
It is possible to:
ssh lab@utility
to control process
Hello @shura , Thanks for help me.
But the Cluster OPenshift is UP. The Openshift is not problem.
I can log in Openshift , but cannot start my lab.
Follow the atachment exactly in order, see hours ...
I only can recommend to recreate lab environment and try again
@ViniBaimas Glad to know that your issue is resolved.
As @shura mentioned whenever you start your labs ( or create a new one ) - wait for the cluster to be ready - Please do not run any lab script until the cluster is ready and up - otherwise it might give you unexpected errors. When the cluster is up and ready - you can then run the lab start script.
If you still then face the same issue - open a support case and we will help you ( meanwhile you should retry creating a fresh lab and see if that helps you).
Hi, I also had this issue so I believe this was a transient problem with the lab rather than having to wait. I had recreated the lab a number of times and ultimately gave up and did another course. I have now come back to this and it seems ok after recreating the lab again.
I have corrected the error one gave lab grade but still i am getting fail in that what to do
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