As I prep for the exam , my biggest question is how much of the information are we expected to memorize for the exam. I did chapt 1-3 and it was a breeze since it looks like my normal day to day job.
When I got to chapt 4, my studying got thrown upside down, it seemed like for example the lab expected that I would know the following off hand:
another example is the volume mounts , do I just need to memorize/familiarize myself with the path, indentations, whether the parameter is an array or not ( .spec.template.spec.volumes ) , and know the defaultMode should be set to 420 ?
volumeMounts: - name: stock-service-cert mountPath: /etc/pki/stock/ volumes: - name: stock-service-cert secret: defaultMode: 420 secretName: stock-service-cert
Now I dont normally work a lot with certs but even if I did I would not necessarily memorize this for my job.
Is there some "secret" I am missing ( pun intended ) ? or do I just need to get over it and practice it
( last night I got more familiar with oc explain and so I am learning to navigate here , but my guess is that I dont want to be using that during an exam )
@rayareynolds Yes with more practice, the more familiar you will become with the commands and yaml syntax and most of it will come naturally at your fingertips.
However, you will get help from oc <comm> --help command :
Also for the volume, default mode permission for the cert is 420 that is the decimal equivalent of octal permission of 644 :
(644)8 = (420)10
6x82 + 4x81 + 4x80
You will also have openshift documentation in the exam available for help.
Apart from this, take a look at the oc command cheat sheet :
@rayareynolds Yes with more practice, the more familiar you will become with the commands and yaml syntax and most of it will come naturally at your fingertips.
However, you will get help from oc <comm> --help command :
Also for the volume, default mode permission for the cert is 420 that is the decimal equivalent of octal permission of 644 :
(644)8 = (420)10
6x82 + 4x81 + 4x80
You will also have openshift documentation in the exam available for help.
Apart from this, take a look at the oc command cheat sheet :
thanks @Chetan_Tiwary_ , I appreciate the helpful response , nothing good comes easy so I guess more practice is the name of the game.
I was looking through the exam documentation to for example find the API description for the "deployment" resource that would for example tell me about volume or volumemounts ( similar to explain output ) but was unable to find anything helpful , anyone that can provide some guidance on how you find that ?
also just looking around for any emergency commands I can pull out if my memory fails me , I came up with for example this:
oc explain deployment.spec.template.spec | grep "^..[a-z]"
this can give you a quick dump of what parameters are nested , so if you know your way around generally it should be helpful if you get stuck.
I agree @rayareynolds,! I passed the Kubernetes App Dev exam (Linux Foundation, quite similar) and find the documentation associated with DO280 to be way more confusing. I am unable to find imperative commands and yaml examples in one place, as I could with the Linus Foundation. Given that syntax detail is so important I find it hard to believe that I have to chase all over the Red Hat Documentation pages to find a simple examples of the imperative and declarative...what am I missing?
@Chetan_Tiwary_ thank you for the cheat-sheet, it's quite helpful
Hope this doesn't offend!!!
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