Hi All
https://docs.jboss.org/drools/release/5.3.0.Final/drools-guvnor-docs/html_single/ (Snapshot section 9.1)
In Drools Gurvor, we have an option to download .pkg file to download specific package files which can be used in other application. Do we have same option in Redhat Decision Manager or any workaround that ?
BxMS 5 was supporting the JackRabbit Repository which got discontinued from BxMS 6 and replaced with git based repository. Now, assets bundled with kjar from BxMS 6 onwards. You can use kie scanner in RH Decision Manager to scan your kjar at specified intervals. You can follow the below documentation for kie scanner which is the replacement of KnowledgeAgent from BxMS 6 onwards.
https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_decision_manager/7.5/html-single/packaging_and... (Section 3.4)
Thanks Vikas for the answer :)
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