Video: How to route traffic from outside an OpenShift cluster to an application pod

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In this featured expert extra of the month, @ricardodacosta explains how to route application traffic from outside the OpenShift cluster to an application pod.

Give it a watch and feel free to provide feedback and/or ask any questions about this whiteboard video below.

PS: are you a subject matter expert and want to record an expert extra? DM me!

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17 responses
Mission Specialist
Mission Specialist

Nicely Explained Thanks!

Flight Engineer
Flight Engineer

Just starting my journey on understanding openshift. This was a nice overview. I'm also still a novice wrt understanding how DNS service works. I understand the ip->name mapping  for different services but the * piece is new to me.


Is there a place to learn more about what is happening here. I kind of get the purpose of the wildcard but when I've looked at how the DNS records are entered for this, there are lots of terms/options that are foreign to me.


Newby to Linux and i would like to get advice on the best route to become expert Linux Admin.


Informative !


Excellent presentation and explaination.


good explanation and easy to understand

Community Manager
Community Manager

@jamensah14 I would certainly look into the Red Hat System Admin I & II courses (RH124 and RH134) if you are looking to become a System Admin expert. But, if you are a newbie you might want to start with the free RH024 Technical Overview course right here on RHLC. 

@dnaspliceoflife I am not a subjuct matter expert, so I'll have to differ your question to Ricardo or someone on the curriculum team. It might be that we need to record another video to expand on this topic.

I'm glad you all are enjoying this expert extra!


@dnaspliceoflife If you tell me what you'd like to learn, we can help with that :smileyvery-happy:

Our requests line is open and we will endevour to satisfy your learning needs!

Mission Specialist
Mission Specialist

I could listen to and learn from @ricardodacosta all day long!

Flight Engineer
Flight Engineer


I've been setting up my own home lab and following the install instructions (HAproxy server, master node, worker nodes, bootstrap etc.). Like I said earlier, I've a basic understanding of ip -> name mapping but not SRV records. I'm putting in the values they recommend but have no real clue as to why they are there or what they do. Priority? weight? why the *master....?

I'm sure this is low level beginner stuff but I enjoy understanding the building blocks well. I figure once I have that the "more complex stuff" becomes less complex since there are only one or two new things instead of 5 new things to keep track of.


Sooo... long story short...understanding SRV records and the role they play in openshift clusters would be very helpful, I think.

Flight Engineer
Flight Engineer

Afetr watching the video and did some googling and finally understand what is openshift.  

Tony Chen

Starfighter Starfighter

At the end of the presentation, Ricardo said, "I hope you enjoyed this presentation".  Yes indeed!!!  I enjoyed very much.  The presentation let me see what level I'm on with my current knowledge of OpenShift - kindergarten.  The illustrations were excellent!!!  I can't imagine trying to comprehend those concepts without some visual support.  Okay, that's enough critiquing on the masterful (as usual) job that Ricardo did in his presentation.  

I do intend to follow this post with a series of questions based on what I saw in Ricardo's presentation, and all depending on the responses from my queries, that may prompt even more questions.

Try not too make fun of my questions being on such an elementary level.  Remember, I've already identified my level of knowledge as being Pre-K!!!


Mission Specialist
Mission Specialist

nice explanation...very helpful


@Trevor I'm delighted with your comments :smileyvery-happy: 

No question should be ridiculed so please head over to the Containers, DevOps & OpenShift board and post your question there and tag me.


@SusanB Executive producer @Jim holds the record for listening to me the most!




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