I have been practicing redhat Linux in my virtual machine quite a lot and I am quite confident.
I felt really really bad to fail the exam twice.
It seems my node2 work was never saved in the previous exam and in this exam.
Actually I have booted the node 2 twice and I definitely saw the storage related configuration was there. But I lost all the scores for this area. Last time, I got the reply that " one of your system did not reboot to a usable state and could not be graded"
I do not know what happened. It must be a very small, but extremely critical point I have missed. This never happen in my local virtual machine environment.
Can anybody help and give your hint?
Many thanks!
That is true, we do not teach those paths.
To make matters worse, init=/bin/bash is not in the RH134 course as a way to meet this published objective, "Interrupt the boot process in order to gain access to a system." The content still shows rd.break
My response was a bit snippy (rude, even). My only defense is this: People taking the RHCSA exam should have practiced this.
If they had, they would have known that rd.break and init=/sysroot/bin/sh don't work on RHEL 9.0
rd.break is working on rhel 9.1 I download and checked.
What I don't like is if you want us to hack give us node3. Just because of one issue I am not able to perform other tasks like LVM, Mounting, Swap Partition, or Stratis on Node2
So next time when I start my exam I will first try to to hack node2 and then if its done I am pass or else no need to do anything because if you cannot perform node2 tasks then its over.
Yes, rd.break works on RHEL 9.1. It does not work on RHEL 9.0
So the question is: which is the exam environment using?
The lab environment (the images distributed to NetLab and DIY classrooms) is 9.0
Yes, the init=/bin/bash method it should be taught in the classroom since, for RHEL 9.0, that's the method that works. I teach it in my classes.
Nevertheless, the offical course content does not mention it. This becomes problematic for anyone taking the RH134 course on their own:
Class: RH134 - Red Hat System Administration II 9.0 (there is no 9.1 version at this time)
This Red Hat resource says the same thing: https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/recover-root-passwd
rd.break again works with RHEL 9.1, I just tried it.
The question, then, is this: which version is the testing environment using?
The images that I have access to (via the Red Hat Academy), for DIY classroom and NetLab use, are 9.0. I'd guess (there's no way for me to know) that the testing environment matches the learning environment.
rd.break works for me in my RHEL 9.0 practice environment. However, I'll assume that it won't work in my exam environment? I am pretty confused about this.
Hi, I am preparing for my second attemp so while practicing. I found out that.
in v9.0 if I use init=/bin/bash it will show bash-5.1 but how will i mount sysroot and change passwd ? If I try to passwd I get some manipulation error. This also allow to access root user "su root" but cannot change passwd.
so I boot through rescue mode and I add rd.break it work and show sh-5.1 prompt
this works only if I boot through rescue mode and use rd.break in v9.0
In Simple words
V9.0 rd.break through rescure
V9.1 rd.break even through normal mode.
Is there a way I can change root passwd using init=/bin/bash ? without getting this manipulation error.
Do we have access to the rescue kernel on the exam?
I given exam but my results is 0
Hi Everyone,
Pls I need help!
I sat for my EX200 Red Hat v9 exam today and I failed. I discovered that my node 1 was not graded deu to lost of configuration after rebooted.
During the exam, I nocited that my network configurations used to change to initial IP address after I rebooted the node 1.
Can the IP address lack of persistence caused the configarations of node lost?
Pls how can i mitigate against this problem when am retaking the exam?
Thanks in anticipation for sharing your thourth.
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