In RHCSA i am unable to download the rsyslog image using url after sucessfully login to registry
Can anyone guide me where i missed it
I PASS the exam with score 255 but will gain more 30+ marks for container question
1. install neccessary packages
2. configure registry.conf to with url
3. login to registrey
4. search the image name / inspect image
5. pull image
If you need exact commands to be execute, let me know.
1. install neccessary packages
2. configure registry.conf to with url
3. login to registrey
4. search the image name / inspect image
5. pull image
If you need exact commands to be execute, let me know.
Thanks for your help sir. In my case, the registry was preconfigured. I actually logged in, search and saw the image but i tried all these and non of them worked:
I had the same problem, registry was preconfigured but I wasn't able to pull image, it worked when I used sudo, I think link from below might be a solution - you can not manage containers after logging with su, if you want to use ssh it must be ssh session of "podman_user"
Hello all, I had the same problem.
The pull command simply dont work. It always gave some sort of error (don't remember it exactly).
I also tried to login to the registry using GUI and used the path mentioned in the text box (instruction on pulling the image), that didn't work either. The instructiion was for "docker pull", but Indeed I replaced docker with podman, but the image wont simply download, no matter how many times I tried.
I am seriously thinking there is something wrong with the connectivity n pulling procedure or firewall/permission etc (I am not skilled in configuring n managing registries - so not able to deduce what cud hv gone wrong)
I am almost sure I was doing the right procedure - I may be wrong. Can someone please help if anyone was able to pull the image?
I had the exact same problem today.
Hi all, I have a question with regards to rsysyslog-custom-cert on RHCSA exam. During the exam, I have successfully configured the container for rootless service and persistent storage. It was running but somehow it did not start up after reboot. I have followed the steps that I have learned from Red Hat online learning. Did I miss out anything? Do I need to register something, etc?
After you set everything up, if you don't ssh log in as the user the container runs under, it won't be running. Only for the user that created it/ persisted it. So if you checked as root, you wouldn't see it with podman ps -a
Also, sorry if this is included in what you're referring to in terms of "steps that I have learned..." but did you remember to do all of these steps after getting the container running? :
mkdir -p /home/containeruser/.config/systemd/user
cd /home/containeruser/.config/systemd/user (podman has to generate systemd svcs here)
podman generate systemd --new --files --name rsyslog-custom-cert
podman stop rsyslog-custom-cert
podman rm rsyslog-custom-cert
systemctl --user daemon-reload
systemctl --user enable --now container-rsyslog-custom-cert
(verify running with podman ps or systemctl --user status container-rsyslog-custom-cert)
loginctl enable-linger
(and verify that linger is enabled with)
loginctl show-user containeruser
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