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Flight Engineer
Flight Engineer

RedHat Remote Exam supported hardware (cameras, mice, keyboards)


I'd like to start a thread related to Remote Exam supported hardware.

In the other discussion there are a lot of questions related to cameras, keyboard/mouse setup etc.

So let's start.

Disclaimer: This page is about recommendations by other candidates. There can be various factors which can impact and lead to a different results. As an example maybe a external webcam was not able to autofocus, and a candidate used the laptop internal webcam (which is not mandatory to have) instead. In that scenario, recommending the external webcam might be a bit flawed. 

  1. The official requirement page: 
  2. The official Remote Exams FAQ:

I had an opportunity to test the following hardware during my exam (status for Aug 31st, 2020):

1. Camera - Logitech C920 - works like a charm, sometimes I had issue with microphone but it was related to external noise.

2. Keyboard - Dell KB213p - no issues at all

3. Mouse - generic Dell mouse - no issues at all

I also tested Logitech MX Master 2S mouse - it worked well BUT it's a wireless mouse so it's not allowed on Remote Exams (I had to replace it with wired mouse).

4. Monitor - Dell 25" QHD monitor - no issues at all (exam workspace could be a little bit larger but I had no issues with terminal window/web browser)


What was not allowed:

1. Any type of network connected webcam

2. Smartphone with external software like DroidCamX etc.


Please add your equipment - It could be helpful for future candidates.

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53 Replies


As this thread has been helpful while I was preparing for a remote exam, I would like to share what worked well for me and what did not work.

TL;DR; If your external camera does not focus, but you still have your integrated laptop camera working and providing readable image of your passport/ID, use it for the passport/ID validation - this is good enough and the proctor allowed me to proceed with the exam (no question asked). 


What did not work:

My laptop of choice is Macbook, I bought a cheap external camera and planned to use it for the exam. While running the validations, I realised my ID/Passport is not readable as the camera has no autofocus, nor manual focus feature. The Macbook (in Edge or Chrome browser as this was a preliminary exam) was only showing the external camera and not the internal camera. As I bought the camera last minute and could not make it work, I did not do the exam. Later on, I found out there is a way to manually focus this camera - it requires some tweaking -


What worked:

I prepared a bit better (borrowed a better camera which allegedly has autofocus) and more in advance for my EX200 exam which I had to take remote as all training center slots were not available (just before XMas). As this is not a preliminary exam, I had to make a USB dongle with RH iso. I got a Dell laptop with Windows 10, the instructions for creating a bootable RH iso worked flawlelsly and then I started the validations. I found a better camera which still would not focus well enough to provide readable ID/Passport to the proctor... I decided I will use a Dell laptop with Windows 10, but when I booted into the exam enviroment, I found out the external camera does autofocus, but not well enough imho... The big difference this time is I was also getting the internal/integrated camera to work, i.e. the proctor would see two cameras and with the integrated camera, the autofocus was working perfectly. I decided to give it a chance and go for the exam this way. I simply showed my ID on the integrated camera, the proctor validated it, no questions asked, I was allowed to proceed with the exam. Overall, the remote exam experience (once all the setup was validated), was really smooth and interestingly I found it smoother and less hassle compared to going to a training center.

Good luck!

Mission Specialist
Mission Specialist

Hello to all red hatters,

I'd like to ask if anyone knows, can we use a mechanical USB keyboard with backlit  for the remote exam? or it is not allowed? 


Sure it allowed. It just has to be USB wired and has to be the only keyboard connected. So the laptop has to have a closed lid. 
BTW, I also use backlitted mechanical keyboard with blue keys. 

Petr Cihlar
0 Kudos
Mission Specialist
Mission Specialist

My 2 cents.

I have been through a situation recently, where my Laptop (IdeaPad 300-141SK) that I was using for almost four remote exams without any issues became incompatible for the new remote exam ISO that was rolled out recently by RedHat. 

So, it is possible that the Laptop that worked for your remote exam before will not necessarily work with the new Remote Exam ISO due to enhancement done to the new ISOs. I reached out to RedHat exam support and their reply was to borrow another laptop from your friend or colleague to try or make a Testing Center reservation for attending the exam. 

So, watchout and do the compatiblity test atleast some days ahead of your remote exam and don't get caught out on the day of exam to learn that the new remote exam ISO will not support your current laptop you have been using all along.

And more importantly, once the new remote exam ISO is rolled out, you will not be able to use the previous ISO that worked on your laptop. The compatibility test will prompty fail with the message "old ISO not supported" and RedHat exam support made it very clear without new ISO image, the remote exam will not be possible.

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