VDO was a service in RHEL 8 (we taught it that way). Here's my slide for this (again RHEL 8 not 9):
It doesn't appear to be a service in RHEL 9; there is no vdo.service unit file. Instead, it has become an option that is used with LVM. For example:
Hi @Ksahil !
Can you check with : #rpm -qa | grep -i vdo
#which vdo
#systemctl daemon-reload
#systemctl start vdo
I have not ever used or tried VDO before.
Is there an actual service that needs to run? The documentation for RHEL 8 and 9 suggests that there is not -> https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/html/deduplicating_and_comp...
VDO was a service in RHEL 8 (we taught it that way). Here's my slide for this (again RHEL 8 not 9):
It doesn't appear to be a service in RHEL 9; there is no vdo.service unit file. Instead, it has become an option that is used with LVM. For example:
Yeah, that's what I was expecting too, based on the documentation.
Hi Tracy,
I had VDO volumes created on an old machine, how do I import these on RHEL 9, I tried lvm_import_vdo, it is still requesting vdo command to be present ?
lvm_import_vdo --dry-run /dev/nvme0n1
lvm_import_vdo: Checked whether device "/dev/nvme0n1" is already logical volume.
lvm_import_vdo: Getting YAML VDO configuration.
/usr/sbin/lvm_import_vdo: line 593: vdo: command not found
@MohammedGhanawi can you refer this doc : https://access.redhat.com/documentation/fr-fr/red_hat_enterprise_linux/9/html/deduplicating_and_comp...
It does say to install the VDO software :
Yes you are right, starting RHEL 9 VDO is now part of LVM. You can refer to this documentation explaining use of VDO on RHEL 9
Ashish Lingayat
Thank you, guys, for sharing valuable information.
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