The lab need to be corrected because if you run the grade script, it is going to give you an error like this
* Checking containerized application ...................... FAIL
despite the application is responding with the correct data. If you look at the answers, it is peformining an extra step which is exposing the port 3306. I don't think this is specified in the instructions and it is scary if the real exam is going to be like that. If you don't expose the port 3306, you're still getting the correct data by running curl so the grade script doesn't care about the end result, it cares you follow the asnwers. there is no problem following the answers as long as the instruction are clear OR an error exist due to no exposing the port 3306
@oblanco Thanks for your time and reporting this here. Let me check the same and then I will report this for further correction.
I think you were talking about Ch08s09 - wherein it has exposed port 3306 which is used for mariadb service.
@oblanco I was able to reproduce the issue that you mentioned :
You are right that the grading and instructions could be improved.
I have reported this to our curriculum development team via a bug report for a fix / update / improvement.
Thank you for reporting this behaviour to us. I will move this thread to a new post in RH342 group.
Thank you @Chetan_Tiwary_ @oblanco
pleasure @Wasim_Raja !
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