This last example command in DO188, section 2.5 probably needs some clarification . . . or changed:
This won't work if the network has a - (dash) character in it (as was used in section 2.3):
Underscore character works just fine:
Because the course uses network names with a dash character name in them, I'd suggest changing to a pipe and grep command. It is a little messier, but works:
Hi @Tracy_Baker !
Thank you for letting us know about this. I have reported this to the concerned team to have a look and fix it. You can submit a feedback directly in the form of a SNOW ticket by using the feedback button in the online course portal ( If you are using such ) :
The RHALP doesn't have that.
Instead, there is a "Give Feedback" on the left under Red Hat Academy:
The problem with that is (1) it doesn't allow screen shots and (2) doesn't notify other RHALP instructors and students so they can address the issue more quickly, which is especially useful if they're currently teaching / taking the class.
Ah ok ! In that case please use the same feedback option , our team will check and attach any relevant screenshot in the feedback ticket generated.
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