I'll be attempting my RHCSA next week. Since RHEL 8 beta is out, how soon will it be before certs for RHEL 8 be available ? Would it make sense for me to wait for RHEL 8 certs to be available or go ahead and attempt RHCE for RHEL 7 in 2-3 months as I initially planned ?
Hey Ralii,
Thanx a lot for your quck response. Shall go ahead as you suggested.
Hello community,
Could you please answer the question of Lakshya?
Is it feasible to gain the RHCSA in RHEL 7 and then being certified in RHEL 8 for RHCE?
Or whoever became RHCSA certified in RHEL7 and wants to become also in RHCE in RHEL8(after the release date of RHEL 8) must first become again RHCSA certified in RHEL8?
Thank you in advance
Hi Last_Year_hero,
It is not upto customers to answer Red Hat policy questions.
Jan Gerrit Kootstra
Hi Lakshya,
Please contact Red Hat Training in you region, for this is a question most of us do not know how to answer.
Jan Gerrit Kootstra
@ralii It is now official about version 8 I will be attempting RHCE this month end. Since RHEL 8 beta is out, would it make sense to wait for RHCE 8 certs to be available or go ahead and attempt RHCE7 end this month. Could you please guide?
@Arpana - Be careful with hopping between RHEL 7 and RHEL 8 RHCSA and RHCE exams. The objectives do change with major releases like this. Watch the list of objectives on the website, or as mentioned elsewhere in this thread, reach out to the training group in your respective region/country.
As I looked them over, the RHCSA is "similar" but the RHCE is "quite different"....
Definitely get started on the 7.6 version RHEL or CentOS. Vast majority of the subjects of interest regarding RHCSA will be the same.
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