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Introduce yourself to the Community

Welcome to the Red Hat Learning Community! As we build a diverse community dedicated to collaborative, open source learning, let's get to know more about each other. Reply to this post with details about yourself, your background,  the skills you want to develop (or have developed ), career stories, favorite Red Hat courses, fun facts and anything else you may want to share with your fellow RHLC community members! 

This question is part of the 100K Member Contest - don't forget to kudo the original contest post to be entered. 

541 Replies

Hello Red Hat Community,

My name is Flaviu, currently I am a studying at GCU University for my BEng in Digital Security, Forensics and Ethical Hacking. 

A couple of my interests include but not limited to Reverse Engineering, Advanced Persistent Threat Malware,Offensive Security, NationState CyberOps, and OSINT.

I ocassionaly write articles on my personal blog about offensive security, bug hunting, latest vulnerabilities, and hack the box pentesting labs.


If you ever want to bounce ideas off of me, please feel free to contact me.

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Hello Every one, Jaya here I am from India and came in Second year. I started working with Ml but didn't find much innovative as every one is going toward Ml In terms of making projects. So according to you which field should I choose.
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This side educational trainer.

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Aloha! It's me, Luciano.

...I have some years of flight with Linux.
After a long journey working for Telecom companies as an engineer.
In 2018, I moved to RTP, NC, seeking new skills and job opportunity.

My strengths are goodwill and open mind to learn.
Quickly: Linux admin, virtualized storage, and ESXi servers.
Right now, #open_to_work and preparing for certifications.


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Hello Red Hat community and Happy New year ! 

Who I am:

Nicolas, a IT Linux enginner since 8 years. Linux lover since ... forever. My first distrib was a Gentoo but after a few time I switched to Debian. During my enginner study we worked on RHEL/CentOS and I never left this OS since. Since 2/3 years I work a lot with Ansible. I love this tool. And I'm here because it's time for me to learn and evolve with new skills and knowledge.

Where I'm based:

Bordeaux, France

My workstation

Apple Macbook Pro 13' M1, Atom, Terminal, Netflix

The discipline I enjoy the most is:

Linux, Automation (Ansible), DevOps, CI/CD

My favorite course :

Red Hat Linux Enterprise, Ansible Automation Plateform, ...

My favorite toy as a kid:

Lego Technic (Recently I built the Liebherr R 9800 Excavator)

Playstation 1 & 2 (Final Fantasy 8, Metal Gear 1&2, Gran turismo, SSX, Ace Combat 4)

In My Spare Time, I . . .

Mountain sport in the Pyrénées (Skiing, Paraglinding)

Satisfactory (PC/Steam)

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Hi everybody!

I'm Carlos Guillermo. I am a passionate for Networking and Linux.

Currently, I'm using a MacBook Air with his own OS and a VMWare Virtual Machine with RHEL 8.3 Developer Subscription.

I'd like to build a computer for using it on a native way soon.

Since 2004 I'm trying to learn about Linux and I think Red Hat is the best choice for that.

I've tried many distros, but I prefer a company support instead of a independent distribution.

Of course. Red Hat Versions I have tried in the past: 6.2 and 9.0, before Red Hat Enterprise times.


Goodevening my fellow classmates


     My name is Avery Delpit, Served in the  US ARMY 82nd Airborne Division as a paratrooper, currently going to school full-time to persue my passion for cybersecurity. If i was to say if I had a all time personal hero or favorite person it would be Niccolio Machievelli, and Ludwig Van Beethoven. I chose this two as my favorite being that they were influential figures during a period of time in history innovation and ideas were allowed to run free. They shaped modern music and modern politics today with their famous pieces of literature and symphonies. My favorite televison show would have to be Mr.Robot, because the main character perfectly resembles how I am as a person and the way that i think, but i haven't watch the show in some time that reminds me maybe I need to catch up on some seasons. My favorite hobbies are console gaming, listening to audiobooks, Driving late nights, and getting lost within my own world of thoughts while driving. My mom has a Masters in computer science, as well as accounting, My dad is a up and coming politician/ owner of a business for 35 years, the other side of my family I keep at a distance. I went to school before to try to become a electrician, I kinda cant remember what the major was for that field, but I stopped going to persue a career in the Armed Forces, hoping to later in the future to continue to serve my country on the federal side of things. So that's me in a nutshell.


"Knowledge is Power, while ignorance can be bliss"


"Never judge a fool by his actions, becasuse sometimes even the fool can be the most wisest of them all"

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My name is Allan Rodriguez-Aguirre, I am from Fayetteville, NC studying at FTCC to work towards my System Security & Analysis Degree. I am new to RedHat but I am ready to work with it and learn more about it. I have previous knowledge of Linux, thanks to courses I took during the Fall, that have encouraged me to further my education. I am excited to achieve a great learning experience!


Hi my name is Amare. This is my first time using red hat. I am using it becasue i am currently taking courses at Fayettteville Technical Community College. I hope that I have a great experience using red hat.


Hello everyone! My name is Tristan and I am currently a student at Fayetteville Technical Community College. I am currently aspiring to work in Information Technology. For my hobbies, I occassionally game and I work around computers seeing how technology maximizes our effort put into what we do on a daily basis.Since I have been a child, technology has piqued my interest since my days in Elementary school. I look forward to working with the Redhat community!

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