DO280 v4.12 :Ch03s05 : issue with oauth pods not getting replaced after several minutes

I'm having issues with do280-4.12/ch03s05 - The oauth lab review... (Revision: do280-4.12-2cfb2c5)

I update the secrets file as directed... And add the htpasswd oauth method, but the oauth pod never restarts... After several attempts I even went back and copy/pasted the commands from the solution from the lab start to where the issue occurs. And exactly the same result. The oauth pod never restarts. I've tried get/edit yaml/replace and direct 'oc edit' and although the htpasswd config is updated (Validated by oc get) the pod still doesn't restart. Even after 10 minutes.
I've also manually deleted the pod (Which does restart it), but the added users still don't show up. And the lab grade command refuses to believe i"ve removed the analyst user from the passwd secret... (Again checked by copy/paste from the lab solution)

In fact... I was so annoyed, I went back and deleted my lab... And re-created it, then immediately went into this review. And despite using copy/paste from the solutions (Which are pretty close to my original except they went to the bother of using a for loop for setting the passwords and I didn't because I was working 1 step at a time), it still doesn't restart the pod.

6 Replies
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @TravellingKiwi !

Thanks for reaching out! I have moved this message into a new post because this serves a wider audience in the DO280 community. 

I see that you have raised a support case for the same sometimes ago. I just did the exercise in your lab VM and was able to get the replaced oauth pods in 3 minutes : 

image (11).png

The replacement of cluster wide oauth pods will take few minutes to apply ( here 4-5 minutes based on the cluster configuration per scenario basis ) :

image (12).png

It may be possible that you did miss something or did a misconfiguration ? I suggest you to retry this lab and let me know how it goes. You will get an update on the support case as well. 


Anything is possible. However the trigger for the pod restarts is to edit the config. The config was edited several times. And no restart. The edit was confirmed by re-reading the config back.


After a while (A couple of hours, including a complete deletion and re-creation of the lab) it suddenly restarted several times in a row after an 'oc edit oauth' that reported no changes.


@TravellingKiwi Thanks for reaching out. I tried the lab and even I am unable to reproduce the issue. Request you please recreate the lab and try again if its still the same then please raise a support case so that we can interactively resolve the concerns.

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Hello, I experienced the same issue, root cause for this issue is while creating secret when we miss to give htpasswd= for file path

Flight Engineer
Flight Engineer

As Ramesh-OCP talk i think that the cause of that rare behavior could be that. 
Anyway you allways can do:
oc rollout restart deployment/oauth-openshift -n openshift-authentication

If next to have restarted you see that your changes have no take effect you can investigate it in detail why because possibly is an error in the process done to update the secret

0 Kudos

Thanks a lot! That was indeed the problem for me, forgetting the htpasswd= in the creation of the secret.

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