If anybody has taken the EX378 exam and earned the RHCCD certfication, then could you please share the expereince and guide on the exam tasks. I took the exam and could complete the tasks related to the exam objectives - RESTful Web Services, MicroProfile Fault Tolerance, MicroProfile Health Check followed by successful verification through provided JUnit test case but still didn't get any score for these objectives. Hence, would like to know what are expectations of the EX378 exam which would help me to prepare for the exam retake. Also, observed that some of the sub-tasks asked in the JWT Security and REST Client questions are not covered in the training course DO378. Please share the guidance on how to prepare for these tasks.
Thank you very much @dkcbk I just checked on the scheduler and now it's available the updated exam 378 version.
pardon if I may, are we allowed to use Red Hat official documentation during the exam (https://access.redhat.com/documentation/it-it/red_hat_build_of_quarkus/2.2 ) ?
@fmarchioni What is the latest version of EX378 ? Are there multiple versions of EX378 available for selection while scheduling the exam ?
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