Open Source is more than just a technical product, we would love to hear your thoughts on what Open Source means to you!
This can be a technical description, leadership style, development workflow, mission, personal definition, thought process, etc.
This question is part of the 100K Member Contest - don't forget to kudo the original contest post to be entered.
Open source has become a movement and a way of working that reaches beyond software production. The open source movement uses the values and decentralized production model of open source software to find new ways to solve problems in their communities and industries.
Open Source is a contribution of all the creators and developers who work to resolved issue community facing without hoping for fruit.
Open source to me is a philosophy, a way of life. It's about being open, transparent, honest, collaborative, "growth" as opposed to "fixed", embracing failure and success - which includes the success of others! Open source is standing on one another's shoulders, instead of behaving like crabs in a barrel.
It drives the world forward.
I think it's a great world of software engineers who can not only learn about the Open Source for free and copy left, but also the idea of source code and design ideas.
Open source is a powerful community where we can read, inspect and modify the source code as per our requirements.
Is a place where we can be free to create and modelate new needs, if we are capable to imagine we also are able to code and share.
Open Source is a way of working, an attitude, a way of advancing as a whole. Imagine a world without Open Source, we wouldn't be as advanced as we would like to be. Open Source harness the strength of communities, and achieve great things together. Open Source is a way of living, and it changes everyone's life forever.
Couldn't find a better one than the official lines "Open-source software is code that is designed to be publicly accessible—anyone can see, modify, and distribute the code as they see fit."
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