Open Source is more than just a technical product, we would love to hear your thoughts on what Open Source means to you!
This can be a technical description, leadership style, development workflow, mission, personal definition, thought process, etc.
This question is part of the 100K Member Contest - don't forget to kudo the original contest post to be entered.
The ability to learn and use new technologies without being tied to an expensive 'out of reach' costing model that would hinder progression.
open source community can be compared to a banyan tree, wherein the main tree has branches growing from itself and then planting them back which creates a new tree while the old tree dies off as the time passes, the analogy is to show that open source promotes creation of new ideas (just like the branch) while respecting the philosophy (original tree). The idea moves along with the changing times and keeps adopting itself to changes. Open source creates open architectures which are not frozen in time and monolithic as it has contribution from hundreds of experts from different domains.
Open source is a concept of collaborative creation. It is the invitation for anyone to contribute no matter their background. It leverages the concept that more heads are better than a few. And through open collaboration, the best solutions will emerge.
Freedom to learn and contribute to learning
In general simple terms, Opensource means source code is open for anyone. In other hand it says anyone can take a look, update/edit and republish (release) for free. Free means again it should be fully transparent. Opensource means not always free of cost. There are some products and services which are cost but opensource.
Free marketplace. Buy your favorite devs a coffee.
You can see the code, modify it, ship it and collaborate together to improve the existing solution - & what I feel about Open Source is it's collaboration of like minded people who develops a solution together as a community where anyone can contribute & last but not least the transparency in development is there as anyone can read the code and see it.
Red Hat
Learning Community
A collaborative learning environment, enabling open source skill development.