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RHLC Think Tank

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76 Replies

I have mentioned these in a couple of different locations, but to put it on record here as well:

  • "Monday Morning SOS" topic under "Instructors" - this, and other calls for help, used to be a very common reason for posting to the (now deceased) mailing list and it really does not belong to any of the existing topics
  • the ability to subscribe to an entire topic (such as "Instructor Discussions"), not just labels, is critical, especially for instructor adoption, as most of us are event driven, and can not be expected to poll the forum "just in case there's something new"
  • a use-case-driven moderation guideline document (what to do if someone posts to the wrong topic, what to do in cases of product endorsement, brand shaming, how do we treat "problematic" users, etc.)


A black cat crossing the street signifies that the animal is going somewhere.
[don't forget to kudo a helpful post or mark it as a solution!]
Community Manager
Community Manager

@oldbenko Great suggestions,  we are working on all three items! There is currently an option to subscribe to a specific discussion board. See instructions here:

Subscribe to a discussion board in RHLC:
    • Go to a discussion board or specific discussion
    • Click the "more" menu on the right hand side of the page
    • Click "subscribe"
    • Repeat for additional boards you would like to subscribe to
Manage subscription notifications:
  • Click your avatar in the upper right corner
  • Click "My subscriptions"
  • Navigate to "Subscription Notifications"
  • Customize how often you would like to receive notifications with relevant dropdown options.
** If you would like notifications turned on for additional replies or conversations you take place in throughout the community, check the box next to "Automatically subscribe me to all topics or reviews I participate in".

Hey, Deanna, all,

A couple of things I noticed and I think are in serious need of being addressed:

  • when editing a post on a mobile device, all formatting (including links) is irreversibly lost (and the note above the editor isn't exactly clear about this)
  • quoting leaves much to be desired (I frequently quote and then get "stuck" not being able to add a normal line after the quote, and no button to disable the quoting mode; also, splitting the quoted text into several separate paragraphs is impossible)
  • there were some comments about jumping to last read message in a conversation thread, and while I don't think this is a problem, there is an annoying behaviour when the entire thread had already been read and is simply reopened, vs. behaviour when it is still unread - the former should drop you on the very last page (because you're probably revisiting it and want to add to discussion), whereas the latter should do what it does - open at the first message
  • out-of-place posts are in bad need of being moved to where they belong (by the moderators, I guess) or we're losing this place to noise and poor usability (it took me 5 minutes to find a good place to post this and I am not exactly new to forums)
  • related to the last one, some functions moderators need are missing, such as for example, reverting an edit or viewing source code for it


A black cat crossing the street signifies that the animal is going somewhere.
[don't forget to kudo a helpful post or mark it as a solution!]
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Another one of those that I noticed just now - the digest emails are ordered incorrectly, newest-to-oldest, so if you want to make sense of what's happening in a discussion with several replies, you need to jump to the end of the email and start reading backwards. :smileyvery-happy:


A black cat crossing the street signifies that the animal is going somewhere.
[don't forget to kudo a helpful post or mark it as a solution!]
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I'll just keep adding here, if you don't mind.

I noticed the digest will sometimes contain a post twice - that is because I subscribed to the entire discussion board, but also replied to a topic at some point, which automatically subscribed me to it (because early on we didn't have the board subscriptions, so I used that option of keeping track).

Whether or not this is something that should be addressed with any severity, I can't reliably say - my opinion is that it should be, but then again it isn't the most critical thing to do, given that one can manage their subscription preferences in the profile, and there are more important issues to address first.

However... this is where it becomes more of a priority: I went to my profile page to delete all topic subscriptions and noticed I can't select them. Yes, there's a menu item "Check All" (see attachments) but I don't know if this is just the page I'm seeing right now, and I wouldn't want to delete all of them by misunderstanding what "Check All" means.

So effectively, I can't manage my subscriptions (unless I delete all of them and recreate just the ones I want), which means I'll keep receiving duplicate emails.

Which probably means one of the two should be fixed ASAP. :)


A black cat crossing the street signifies that the animal is going somewhere.
[don't forget to kudo a helpful post or mark it as a solution!]
0 Kudos

I just noticed while posting the above - image upload still doesn't work correctly (one has to post the text first, then use "Edit" to reopen it and attach the image), and when you upload images, only one file can be added?

A black cat crossing the street signifies that the animal is going somewhere.
[don't forget to kudo a helpful post or mark it as a solution!]
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Flight Engineer Flight Engineer
Flight Engineer

benko, I belive something is wrong there. I can see exactly the same thing. BUT I remember that at the beginning when I was playing with this you actually could check and uncheck things.


Now you see the dots, but don't see the items


Red Hat Instructor
0 Kudos
Community Manager
Community Manager

@Rodolfo what browser are you using?

0 Kudos
Flight Engineer Flight Engineer
Flight Engineer

chrome. I think at the beginning of the forum, this column of dots, was the list of subscriptions.

Please check the admin manual or admin preferences, because maybe someone by accident unselected some silly checkbox and that's why we can't see our subscriptions.


Red Hat Instructor
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Flight Engineer Flight Engineer
Flight Engineer

I don't know if it's my computer or is it the design. But the combination of  color, background and fonts just loook bad. The font is not clear, sort of transparent and the contrast of color and background actually hurt my eyes.  

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