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Questions about getting ready for your Red Hat remote exam?

This thread is dedicated to connect you with Red Hat subject matter experts who can help answer your questions regarding Red Hat remote exams. Please see the following resources for Red Hat Remote Exams below:

For questions on scheduling or redeeming your exams,  please use the Red Hat Certification team comment form here. 

**Our subject matters experts in the Red Hat Learning Community will not be assisting with tasks related to scheduling exams. 

Deanna L
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1,361 Replies

Yes. The title of the email would have been "Your Red Hat Individual Exam Reservation Has Been Confirmed".

Best Regards,


0 Kudos
Mission Specialist
Mission Specialist

Can I install a webcam driver software after booting from the USB ( based on the fedora iso image distributed)? 

0 Kudos
Flight Engineer
Flight Engineer

As far as I know you can't modify Exam ISO and you have no access to OS of this environment. So the answer is - no you can't install.


Hi @binyam 

@PiotrS is correct, you can not modify the "Live Remote Exam Environment", so you can not install anything (except what could be asked in an exam instruction, for example some packages, and that is limited to some exam related virtual machines ...).




Hi @crixus1 ,

Candidates receive the information by email, after the purchasing process.

It contains a link with all the instructions.



Hi ,


I've a question about the remote exam . I've already scheduled the exam on training center ( the exam is Ansible EX407 ). Now I want change this exam to remote mode but on the exam scheduler change type button is not available  .

What is the reason ?

How can I change this in to remote ?

Thanks in advance



Hi @bardo,

EX407 will be available as a Remote Exam pretty soon.

Please refer to my comments at

You should be able to see an option to cancel your existing schedule (or reschedule to a much farther date to avoid a no-show). Once RE option is released in about a week or so, you can switch it.



0 Kudos


I really would appreciate it if a list of compatible webcam that worked reliably could be setup, even if it's community run because many of us seem to be subject to a large amount of variability. With just over 24 hours to go until my exam I had to cancel it because my webcam (Logitech BRIO Ultra HD, not a shabby camera) worked fine during the Compatibility Testing but when I re-tested it (without a reboot) the microphone then failed the test repeatedly and the camera image is suddenly flipped. It seems the testing environment is not maintaining the settings between the first and subsequent times it accesses the camera.

I'd put in loads of work to be ready for the test on the Holiday Monday here in the UK but as the remote exam environment flipped from "PASSED" to "FAILED" within a few minutes I'm now going backwards. I'm using a desktop PC (which I purchased explicitly for exam taking purposes) so I don't have an internal microphone to fall back on. I'm £1000 deep so far into this already, what do I need to buy to take the exam? Once I know, I'll buy it.

"Webcam: One external webcam with at least a 1m cable" doesn't really offer much clarity. I have one of those, a pretty good one but it's apparently is unreliable in this remote exam environment.

I feel like I've failed before I've even started.


Flight Engineer
Flight Engineer

Hi StephenG,

I am from India, I recently gave the exam and here are things that I would like to share with you:

1. You should be focusing on the exam and not the set up. Don't get distracted by it. If things don't work when the exam starts, you can ask the proctor to reschedule it. They are very understading and co-operative.

2. Two things are important for the external camera: auto focus and field of view. I ordered a couple of cameras and used the one which fit my requirements. Auto focus means, if you put a document in front of it, few inchese away, the proctor should be able to read it. You can try this with your operatiing system and see if you are able to read it. Second, the field of view, When you put the camera next your laptop, it should capture the keyboard and your face.

3. My set up involved a laptop. While ordering a camera, search for the requirements above and order those only, get them, test them and return them if not good. My external camera didn't have auto-focus, so for documents vefification I had to use my laptop camera.

4. This remote exam setup by Red-Hat is new,  and still being developed. which means if you have passed the compatibility test in the first attempt and failed in the second attempt, probbly something is wrong with the compatibility tester. I did compatibility test many times before the exam and it always failed in the second attempt(sometimes media servers cannot connect, or camera image is not displaying). I knew that this had nothing to do with the set-up.

5. You can change the mic for the system using the dropdown menu under microphone section. Someone has also put a screenshot for it. Please check other pages on this discussion.

6. I wish you all the best for your exams!. Don't get distracted by these set-up requirements. Only follow what's required.

7. Moderators know the best.


@PraveenMishra, @StephenG,

Couldn't have explained it better. Praveen summed it up beautifully well. Points 2) and 5) are things that will help you to confirm that your setup will work when the actual exam is released from our Proctoring application.

The media server test looks for your network's ability to transfer audio and video packets (UDP) to our servers. Typically, on a home network, UDP ports won't be restricted. In offices it's a different story. Hence, where you test your setup from is important. 

If the media server test passed once, then I don't see why your actual exam taking ability would be hindered. 

The compatibility test is something that we are tuning by ear. I'll pass on this thread to our developers to review. 

All the best for your exam.

Best Regards,



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